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A man is known by the company he keeps

A man known by the company he keeps is similar to "THE TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT". It is actually how he behaves when is subjected to situations which do not serve his favour. Or when subjected to destruction is when they show their real face. Behaviour is the ultimate virtue of all. It procrastinates how the person is and how his aim will serve the benefit of the country. It is basically what impression he casts and what is it's after effect. He should be well to do enough to manage his well being with the situation changing with the surrounding. He should be capable enough to handle it every time he is challenged. The best way of knowing a man is by the company he keeps. A thief associates with a thief, a saint with a saint. The Righteous can have no fellowship with the unrighteous. Light can have no connection with darkness and a believer with an infidel. Fire and water have a natural affinity to their kind and a natural aversion for each other. Water is attracted by water and two drops meeting together will readily become one, but when fire and water meet together they destroy each other. Light and darkness can never unite. So men of similar tastes and habits unite with each other and become friends. Therefore a man's character opinions, tastes and temper may be fairly gauged by the company he lives in. One should exercise great care in the choice of one’s companion. Our happiness or misery depends upon this choice. If a  good man mixes with those who are bad and wicked he is sure to lose his character whereas if a bad man comes in contact with good the former will not tend to be good. It should therefore be an earnest endeavour for everyone to secure a good company since only their character can be preserved and improved. It is the company on which the structure of man's character is built. Even Jesus Christ was considered as bad since he was associated with bad men “THE FRIEND OF PUBLICANS  AND SINNERS". If we wish to make our life happy and sincere then we should have none the companions but those who are good and hardworking and pious. To be among the good is to be good among the bad is to be bad. It is high time to determine what shall we be and how to guide our next generation. An s asocial being a man needs people with whom he can mix and converse freely exchanging thoughts and ideas hopes and fears. But a person whose taste and inclinations are different from others cannot give us the delight that the person with the same taste and nature can give us. So a man naturally seeks the society of those who are like himself in their taste and inclination. We can therefore very easily say what sort a man is and what is the character of his friend. Moreover, friends exert a great effect on our character.

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