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Books you should read to motivate yourself

The journey through life can sometimes seem a bit like riding a roller coaster. There are so many ups and a lot of downs as we experience the highs and lows.

Accepting that while we pursue our objectives, there will inevitably be obstacles and challenges along the way is always a good thing. That is why it is always good to have additional sources of inspiration.

You may find this list of motivational books useful as they will challenge your current perspective and force you to grow in unexpected ways.

We've put together a list of motivational books that will light your internal fire!

1.     Book: The Magic of Thinking Big

Author: David J Schwartz

The key message of this book is that changing your thinking and attitude is a vital part of making significant changes in your life. To create change and to set yourself up for success, you must alter your thinking and attitude.

2.     Book: Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard 

Author: Chip & Dan Heath

The author of the book is Chip & Dan Heath. You know you need to make changes in your life, but how do you do it? Have you ever tried to lose weight, get fit and never reached your goal?

In this book, you will learn how to make lasting changes in your life. If I had to recommend one book that shows you how to do that, it would be "Switch". 

The secret to creating and sustaining change in life is shared by Chip and Dan in this book.

3.     Book: The Gifts of Imperfection 

Author: Brené Brown

The book, "The Gifts of Imperfection," by Brene Brown, will help you rediscover your courage and worth, as well as your self-confidence.

You'll learn about how to embrace your true self when you read "The Gifts of Imperfection", a book that will get you ready to embark on your journey of change.


4.     Book: Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking 

Author: Susan Cain

The author, Susan Cain discusses what introverts can offer the world, particularly in this age, how introverts have changed history and how we are exceptionally needed no matter what our traits maybe and that introverts are not less needed than extroverts.

However, even though this book is aimed at introverts, it is for anyone who wants to improve their communication and interpersonal skills.

5.     Book: The Four Agreements 

Author: Don Miguel Ruiz

When you read "The Four Agreements", you will find inspiration for dealing with your relationships, how you act, how you treat others, how you communicate with others and how you live your life. If you want your life to change, this book will show you how to make it so.

6.     Book: Screw It Lets Do It: Lessons in Life

Author: Richard Branson

Richard Branson embraces change; therefore, he is into reinvention. When you read other people's stories about their journeys in life, you may be able to gain a new perspective on change.

If you take this book to heart, it will fuel your enthusiasm and help you remove the self-limiting beliefs that prevent you from stepping up and taking on the challenge of change.

7.     Book: The Art of Happiness

Author: Dalai Lama

As you reflect on your life, the deeper you look into your inner self (your soul). That is where you will find out what happiness is for you. Throughout "The Art of Happiness," you become more aware of the discipline of self-reflection.

A purpose gives you clarity, focus, and a vision. These are the foundations that will empower you to take steps to change your life. Knowing what happiness means to you gives you clarity. With clarity, focus, and a vision comes clarity, focus, and a vision.

8.     Book: Mindset: The New Psychology for Success

Author: Carol S. Dweck

Research conducted by psychologist Carol Dweck shows that mindset plays an enormous role in predicting success and achievement in her book Mindset. According to her, our mindset and how we choose to approach our goals can influence nearly every aspect of human endeavour.

In contrast, she discusses the benefits commonly associated with adopting a growth-oriented mindset as well as the downsides of adopting a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset believes our abilities cannot be developed, whereas a development mindset believes our skills and abilities can be developed given the right circumstances.

As a result, amazing achievements can be encouraged in this paradigm shift.

9.     Book: Choose Yourself 

Author: James Altucher

One of the best motivational books you'll ever read is Choose Yourself by James Altucher. James suggests that we should make the most of ourselves and invest our efforts, time, and resources into us. It focuses on how investing in ourselves and our growth can help us to achieve success.

Anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset will find this book to be an excellent resource for inspiring and motivating them to further develop their talent.

10. Book: Think and Grow Rich

Author: Napoleon Hill

This 1937 book addresses the highly effective and crucial steps to take to become wealthy during the Great Depression. It was written during the Great Depression. He also discusses what we should avoid during the process. Hill's book is more about finding out what you want in life than getting rich; it is about finding out how to achieve what you want in life. It contains timeless information, wise words, and excellent advice.

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