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Housework Is Not An Easy Task

Think about a day when you do not have a meal, your house is a mess, and you do not know how to do either of these tasks. Imagine how long you can last without eating, especially during this pandemic, if you stayed in an unclean room without having anything to eat. Even the thought of it makes you realize the importance of housework to human life.

To live, it is necessary to eat, keep our homes clean and maintain them as well. However, our society does not credit housework, a job primarily performed by women is deemed with no respect and pay.

If a nine to five job is important for the survival of a family, housework is equally vital for survival. However, society makes housework appear worthless when compared to high paying office jobs or businesses.

As a society dominated by men, the role of the male is essential for survival, whereas women's job is to provide for and protect the man who feeds and protects them. Furthermore, misogyny makes women the weakest and most vulnerable members of society, demeaning anything traditional about them.

Women are shamed for doing all types of housework, whether it is make-up, art, or housework because they are too weak to tackle any sort of difficult task. Consider this, though, before calling housework "easy" because it is truly not. It is far more mentally and physically exhausting than working at a desk for eight hours a day.

While office hours range between 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., a woman doing housework begins her work in the morning, even before her husband gets out of bed (in his case it is before noon). She then turns off her room's light after he finishes dinner after a long, tiring day.

It is even more challenging for women who have full-time jobs and housework as well. Not only do they have to work hard at work, but they must dedicate equal time to housework as well.

Housework involves more than just cooking and cleaning. It involves managing the household budget and saving money.  What is the point of having a desk job if the housewife is not capable of handling money? Doesn't housework contribute to the family and nation's economy as well?

In addition, homemakers do not have holidays, and during holidays, the amount of work is often much greater in comparison to any other day. The recent lockdown served as an ideal time to understand why the amount of housework increases during holidays when everyone in the house enjoys good food, wine, and celebration.

In a time when all people were confined to their homes because there were no offices to go to and not all jobs could be carried on from home, housework never stopped. It simply increased as the number of people, their appetites, and their demands increased.

Despite this, some people revere women for their self-sacrificing power rather than paying them for their work. When society realizes that housework is essential and each person is dependent on it, then they must step up and pitch in to compensate them.

Let us stop undermining housework. It is not easy and it should not be seen as the result of a woman's sacrifice and love for her family. Homemakers deserve respect and a paycheck.

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