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How to deal with a Toxic Family?


The word family can evoke a slew of mixed feelings. These feelings could be pleasant or appalling, or a mix of both. It depends on your upbringing and family environment. Your reactions may go beyond disappointment or annoyance if you have been exposed to a toxic family dynamic. Interacting or merely thinking about your family may result in substantial emotional torment. Many people do not realize the consequences of their family setting until they are an adult. The majority of parents generally scold or condemn their child’s actions. But, these remarks should be positive and focused on the child's conduct rather than the kid himself. It should never make you feel undesired, neglected, or inferior. 


A toxic family may attempt to control the vital elements of your life, such as relationships and professional choices. They may hint or declare that you will only receive their affection and support only when you meet their expectations. It is natural for family members to argue from time to time. You should still treat each other with love and care at the end of the day. You might experience hatred or disdain in a toxic family. Even if your family does not agree with everything you say or do, they could still show you love and respect as you set your course. Compulsive behaviors in family relationships can lead to damaging and unhealthy dynamics. A small percentage of families get along flawlessly all the time.


Disagreements, sibling rivalries, uncomfortable relationships, and miscommunications are all too prevalent, especially during stressful or transitional times. For example, concerns outside the family, such as obstacles at work or school, or financial troubles, may cause a family member to act in a toxic or unhealthy way. These patterns of conduct should only last a short time. Once they are aware of their behavior, the individual responsible should apologize, express regret, and seek to correct it. Every family has its ups and downs, but everyone feels loved, supported, and respected. On the other side, a toxic or dysfunctional family dynamic can feel unstable, stressful, and charged. Toxic family members can do a lot of harm.


When it comes to dealing with toxic family members, there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Some people prefer to avoid making contact at all costs. Others try to make the best of the situation by minimizing contact, taking every precaution to preserve their emotional well-being when they meet them.


Some tips:


  •  Setting your limits


Identify what you want out of the relationship will guide you in setting boundaries. Limiting your interactions can help you feel more empowered. You will control how many interactions you want to keep. After you have established those boundaries, try not to cross them. You may find yourself in a tough or unhealthy scenario if you vacillate.


  •  Don’t get too involved


When you spend time with family members, don't let them drag you into family matters you would rather avoid. You need not take part in anything you don't want to. Avoid issues that elicit strong emotions by keeping the talk light and casual. If necessary, ending the conversation or leaving.


  •  Learn to say NO


Saying no to family members is not easy. Saying no may be your best option if you know a situation would make you sad, upset, or uncomfortable. A manipulative family member may try to persuade or persuade you to change your views. Have faith in your decision and believe that you are making the best decision for yourself. Family members that care about you and support you should be aware of and supportive of this need. This will help you in breaking harmful relationship patterns.


  •  You cannot change everyone


It is common to hope that toxic family members would change when dealing with them. You might think about the day they understand how much they have hurt you and decide to change their ways. People can and do change, but you do not influence it. There is not much you can do except tell them how you feel and encourage them to consider your point of view.


  •  Look for Help


Growing up in a toxic environment can lead us to emotional, interpersonal, and mental health issues. They can be addressed with proper professional treatment. Being dominated or manipulated may impair your ability to make independent decisions. When you make a decision, you may feel afraid or nervous. Anxiety or sadness are other possible side effects.

Working with a qualified mental health practitioner may help you in recognizing your issues. Once you have identified your problems, you can start working on them and resolving them.




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