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Tips and Benefits on Journaling

"Fill your paper with feelings of your heart" - William Wordsworth.

When we click a picture, it's often to appreciate the beauty of the situation or in simpler words, to keep it in our memory. Life is a journey with many halts, wrong turns, good roads, filled with beautiful skies and dreadful storms and journaling are just like clicking a picture in the memory of these situations. 

The benefits of journaling are many, to name a few,

• It helps us to remember where we started-Do you remember the wholesome feeling of finding an old toy in your house somewhere? Finding your old journals feels accordingly. It brings back memories and is known to boost self-esteem at times.

• Helps you to track your progress-People write journals in various formats like a daily diary, study/work planner, etc. Helps them track their achievements.

•Helps in understanding yourself- When we write something in our journal it's almost always about our current situations and state of mind. As time changes, they change too. For example- if we write about our situation when we feel extremely sad or happy because of a certain situation and read it after some time when the situation has passed and you feel different, it helps you to understand the feelings you once felt. It is often recommended to help you with your mental stability.

•Allows you to reflect yourself- We are always surrounded by people we love and who care about us, but some days we don't feel like speaking about it or even don't understand how to narrate those feelings or you are overthinking when we start writing it on a piece of paper it helps us to understand ourselves or tell some secrets deep inside our hearts that we can't tell could also be written in these journals.

•Helps with anxiety- When we write about our feelings, our ups and downs, it helps us to understand the things that trigger happiness or fears. Therapists recommend having a journal to help us understand our thoughts and healthily organize them.

Tips on writing a journal-

Being who you are with yourself is far more difficult than we think. By maintaining a journal, we now understand the steps towards it, but how do you maintain a journal and write in it? Simply follow some of these steps-

•Where do you write?

It could be a diary or a notebook, you can use fancy books or a normal notebook or sketchbook whatever fits you right.

•When do you write?

Many people tend to write their journals before sleeping and note every detail of the day. Some even prefer to write on certain occasions. It could be frequent or untimely, as you wish until it's intact in the same book and is not messed around in different books and pages. Tip- carry your journal with u at all times.

•How do you write?

You could write in paragraphs or use mind mappings to elaborate on yourself. Many people maintain date wise journals or write poetry or illustrations in their journals. Whatever helps you to narrate yourself works!

•What do you write?

Remember, you are here to express yourself in the best way you could, take a deep breath, connect with yourself and just go on. You can write that you want to change or what you feel or something that you are grateful for.

There are alternatives to writing a journal as well. Not everyone is good at writing notes or maintaining them and in these digital days, carrying journals everywhere is not comfortable. Therefore,

To-do lists- To-do lists are the best way to track your work progress. They help you to grow and manage your work and student life.

Using application- With apps, it's easier to keep your notes everywhere you go. Some apps include codes that help in keeping it secure.

Voice Notes- Speaking directly about what you feel is also very helpful. It is more convenient and takes less maintenance.

Doodle Journals- Doodles are the best therapeutic way of narrating your feelings and relaxing.

Music Journals- Music is the best way to help yourself understand yourself. Nothing could be more relaxing and stress-free than some music that can understand you.

When we write something in remembrance of ourselves today, we unknowingly help us in the future. And what could be more motivating than your own younger self?

"Journaling helps you to remember how strong you truly are within yourself.” – Asad Meah.

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