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If you love buying and collecting books of various types - here's what you missing beyond Amazon!

Every online bookstore has its advantages. The rise of online bookstores and readership has unlocked several alternatives for fresh and potential bookselling companies. This article can be the destination where you can look beyond Amazon books and explore a variety of books from your favourite authors, editors/ publications, in diverse languages, exclusive editions at generous prices. Let's make sure you find your perfect online bookstore that meets your necessities.

The top seven e-commerce websites mentioned here contribute a great ordeal in shopping books online, in terms of affordable price, delivery, exclusive deals and offers, promising collections and customer-centricity.

1) B & N ( Barnes and Noble ) bookstore

Barnes & Noble, Inc. is a prominent and one of the top Bookseller companies, it was founded in 1886, USA. B&N consists of an ample collection of diverse sects of books including biographies, poetry, children's sections, fiction and nonfiction, etc. They offer a lot of eBooks too.The site  https://www.barnesandnoble.com enables simple and convenient shopping, as its policies are very clear and straightforwardly presented on the site. The site has shipping and payment options that are both customer-oriented and worthwhile ensuring the accomplishment of the detailed needs of customers. They prioritize principles and policy checks of the company.

The company is a blend of virtual and physical bookstores that allows the buyers to meet innumerable choices for buying books along with specialised coupons, offers and foreign deals.   

2) Alibris Booksellers

Are you looking for an autonomous bookstore? Here's your destination! Alibris is one of the rising online booksellers that was founded in 1997, in the USA. The company regulates as a means for third-party booksellers.When you're buying any book from Alibris ( site: https://m.alibris.com ), you're buying the book/books from an independent bookstore. This makes Alibris a perfect platform for book lovers and even those who are looking for used, rare, under-rated, editions, signed copies or collection series.In addition to fiction and commonly sold books, Alibris offers textbooks, kids books, cookbooks, etc. The site has frequent assorted offers, discounts like students or title based discounts and coupons.

 Alibris furthermore has consecutive policy terms that depend or differ as per sellers offers, the site offers free shipping on all books which is a great perk.

3) Peachpit Bookstore 

Do you remember reading Pearson publishers books? From general knowledge to childhood fairy tales, Pearson still has it all! Peachpit is a Pearson book brand founded in 1986, specializing in selling books, eBooks, and other educational materials like educational videos, photography scopes like Adobe Photoshop and academic papers. Peachpit is associated with many other companies as a bookseller brand. 

This bookstore amazingly offers online courses and digital materials for every kind of learner along with printed / hardcopy books selling. The site https://www.peachpit.com/store/browse/books#!?sort=Relevance enables more of a high-tech online library for users. However, Peachpit offers a policy of discounts, weekly deals and promotional sects that is way affordable / cost-friendly.

4) Better World Books bookstore 

Have you ever heard of a bookstore with a charity mission? Don't google because Better World Books is that bookstore. Better World Books is a socially responsible bookstore that was founded in 2002. It aims to enhance the world by boosting literacy at a worldwide rate. Apart from selling and buying books, the company also accepts books as a form of donations.

Better World Books offers innumerable choices of genres in both new and used book categories that are searchable. From classics to exclusives, the Better World Books site has it all. The company stands with free shipping and a flexible return/refund policy with more clear guidelines. Refer to - Link

5) Thrift books store 

One of the perfect online bookstores if you're looking for buying cheap or used books offering the most competitive prices than anywhere on the web. Thrift Books is one of the world's largest independent booksellers founded in 2003. The site https://www.thriftbooks.com mentions used books, providing a brief idea about the quality for consumers before they purchase any. The Thrift Book site has several offers like gift cards, reading rewards and thrift books deals. It also offers video games, movies, blog corners and features plus collectable books making the online store catchy and competitive. Thrift stores have easy shipping and user-friendly purchase policies.

6) AbeBooks bookstore 

One of the best collectable bookstores that even beats Amazon bookstore in the race of unusual and classic books. Along with books, AbeBooks proposes links to many art forms, textbooks and other collectables. AbeBooks has been a leading American book brand since 1996.

The site enables worldwide independent sellers with affordable price settings and consumer-centric deals. You can easily search by name, browse and select, you can easily sell and get briefs about the books you're wishing to read. There are customer stories, good-hand sales and a perfect assortment of various genres starting from fiction, poetry to textbooks.Refer to -Link

7) Powell's Books 

As an independent bookstore, Powell's Bookstore was founded in 1971, it aspires to offer a variety of genres and kinds of books establishing love and richness of knowledge in the form of books, not just on shelves but also online - helping Powell's to reach a worldwide readership. Powell's Bookstore promotes diverse aspects, authorizing the free exchange of notions, reviews and expanding the power of books via a great community of authors and readers. The site https://www.powells.com has several specializations like gift cards, staff selected books, blog space, shipping globally, user-friendly selling and buying book policies strengthening the culture of reading books.

The race of digitalization has boosted many online bookstores and E-Libraries, promoting greater readership where there are a lot more growing companies like Flipkart, eeBayBiblio, Books-A-million, Bookchor that are suitable booksellers with a prominent existence and consumer-friendly prices.

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