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The Role Of A Child In Joint Family And Nuclear Family In India

The dictionary definition of family defines it as a group of individuals who are related to each other. Generally, a family comprises a father, mother, and their children. But with the changing times, we can also witness a certain amount of change in this standard definition of family. Children are now also raised by single parents, grandparents. Some families choose not to have children or are unable to have children.


Generally, there are two types of families in India– Joint family and Nuclear family.


What is Joint Family?


A joint family consists of our parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts. Joint Family is also often referred to as an extended family. In India, joint families have existed for decades and millennia. Joint families were and are still, considered to be the strongest and most stable type of families present in India. But some of these "joint families" exist only in name. 


Pros Of Having A Joint Family In India


A child becomes ready for the outside world – When a child lives in a joint family, it entails in him the art of letting go. He learns how to get along with his siblings and cousins and, in turn, with society at large. Growing up with different people, sacrificing your demands for the happiness of a loved one, and fighting over minute matters prepares you for life.


Sharing and affection among children –


 In recent times children who are born into joint families are more adaptive and adjusting. A child who has been raised in a large family is naturally more social, but he also has a habit of sharing. Sharing is instilled, in children from childhood who grow up in a joint family. People do things together, and in a combined family, the principle of "sharing is caring" becomes the standard norm, making everyone more generous.


Togetherness - 


One of the key benefits of living in a joint family is that you get to spend a lot of time together. And it strengthens all of your ties. The child will always have someone to talk to about his concerns in this lonely world.  Children receive love and support from both big and small people. Early on, a combined family arrangement establishes a strong bond of solidarity. 


Learn to respect others -


 Raising a child in a home that consists of elders instills in the child a sense of deference for others. Society and its people always like and appreciate it when someone displays respect and treats others with respect. Children learn to share, care for, and respect one another as they grow up together. Grandparents have a particular and crucial role in instilling in children basic social skills. Grandchildren who are raised under the supervision of their grandparents have a well-balanced outlook on life. 


Education like nowhere else -


 A child's education is not limited to academics and school when he lives with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents; instead, his educational horizon is considerably broader. A child who lives with grandparents becomes familiarized with the world of their time. Overall, growing up in a joint family teaches you that education is more than simply reading books. The family's elders can be a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. The wisdom you acquire from your elders when you live in a joint family is something you won't find in books.


The Cons of A Joint Family In India


No Privacy -


 There is no concept of privacy in a joint family, and it is difficult to lead a private existence without the involvement of others. People who value their independence may feel uncomfortable among a bunch of people. There may be more interventions or meddling than one would prefer. Even something as uncomplicated as wanting to eat something specific can become challenging when you are forced to consider what the rest of the family likes or dislikes.


Misunderstandings - 


When surrounded by different people, it's easy to have clashes of perspectives. Everyone has an opinion, and it can be hard to persuade everyone in the family. One may get offended if one's suggestion is not valued. And it could create problems and misunderstandings between one and one's family members. In a joint family, there will always be jealousy and misunderstanding. Living in a joint family can be emotionally draining because there are more possibilities to get engaged in pointless conflicts based on poor communications.


Conservative and orthodox mentality - 


Grandparents frequently adhere to traditional conventions and want their grandchildren to do so as well. It results in a lack of sense of modernization in the family, and, they become less practical in their thinking. They are unwilling to embrace change and to abandon the family's long-held rituals and traditions. It is not uncommon to see a collision between the elderly's conventional ideas and the younger generation's modern perspective in a joint household. Often, the family's elders have the final say, and they stick to their beliefs, leaving the younger members with little opportunity to express their opinions. This could trigger problems in the family.


Controlling life -


 The trouble of living in a joint family is that even minor decisions must be reviewed and approved by members, of the family, notably the family's head. Even simple topics are often given so much attention that one gets irritated. In a joint family, the head of the family is normally in charge of everything. In this situation, you may feel reliant on others and as if they are in control of your life.


What is Nuclear Family?


A nuclear family consists of a father, a mother, and their children. A nuclear family is untouched by the elders' influence. This family is also sometimes referred to as "small family" or "single-family". This family structure is independent.


Pros Of Having A Nuclear Family In India


Privacy –


 In a nuclear family, every individual can get their privacy. Every individual can live in the way he or she wants. There are no elders in the family and hence no limitations or boundaries.


Freedom and Consideration -


 Everyone enjoys living on their own. Fights between in-laws is now a thing of the past. Children's wishes and desires are taken into account and given appropriate weight. Every member of the nuclear family is emotionally stable. No one suffers from a superiority complex. All of them are given the same amount of love There is no possibility of jealousy or misunderstandings between individuals.


Reduced Conflicts - 


Disputes are unavoidable in any family and household; they are an inevitable part of life. However, because the number of people in a nuclear family is smaller than in a joint family, there is a chance of fewer conflicts. Children can benefit from their parent's nurturing of a caring, supportive, and loving relationship. It will teach kids to seek out positive relationships and to engage positively with others. The importance of peace and wealth in a happy family relationship cannot be overstated. 


 Cons Of Having A Nuclear Family In India


Exclusion from Joint Family - 


People can get isolated from other relatives and relationships when they live in a nuclear household. In challenging times, this separation of the extended family unit will be harmful. The nuclear family does not necessarily nurture relationships between grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. One of the major drawbacks of the nuclear family is this feeling of loneliness.


Insecure children - 


As both the husband and the wife work, the children may feel neglected. They may feel emotionally lonely and anxious. Working parents may be too busy to spend enough time with their children, resulting in kids growing in the wrong direction. Children who do not have the opportunity to engage with other family members may become socially isolated.


Lack Of Guidance 


Children are deprived of the opportunity to learn from their elders. The elders are not able to provide enough care or guidance. There exists in children's inability to share. The inability to wait patiently. Grandparents are not able to show their grandchildren adequate love and affection.




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