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Is Artificial Intelligence beneficial or detrimental to humanity?

Is Artificial Intelligence beneficial or detrimental to humanity?

AI doesn't have to be evil to destroy humanity – if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.”- Elon Musk

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is the ability of a computer or maybe a machine to think, learn and perform. It is a theory and development of various computers so that they can perform those tasks which normally require human intelligence. These tasks include decision making, virtual perception, speech recognition, etc. Artificial intelligence can also be defined as a training process in which a computer learns something. We can train computers through programming and training processes. This is a progressive method of learning which allows students to be the architect of their own life. Students can program games, design art and they can also program robots.

Artificial intelligence is presently not considered as real intelligence because it is just careful to use mathematical techniques to create an appearance of intelligence and generally it is focused on a specific task. It has to do with the ability to understand.

There are four primary AI types: -

      Reactive AI- it is the most basic type of artificial intelligence which is programmed to give a predictable result based on the input which it receives. Generally, reactive machines respond to similar situations similarly every time and they are not capable of learning actions. This AI cannot function beyond the task for which they are initially designed. This makes them limited for use. For example- The Netflix recommendation engine.

      Limited Memory AI- This AI learns from the past and it builds the knowledge which we can use in experiments. It is launched by observing actions or data and this AI uses historical, observational data in combination with pre-programmed data to make predictions and perform complex tasks. For example, automatic vehicles are using limited memory artificial intelligence to observe other cars’ speeds and directions; it enables them to read the road and adjust according to their needs. This process of understanding the other vehicles on the road and interpreting the incoming data makes them safer on the roads. However, here the word limit can be justified by saying that the information with which automatic vehicles work, is not saved in the long-run memory of cars.

      Theory of Mind AI- If you want to have a meaningful conversation with a robot who is having an emotional intelligence video music then that will be considered under the Theory of Mind AI. Machines can acquire the capacity of decision-making with the help of this AI. Machines can understand and remember emotions and can also adjust their behavior which will be based on those emotions while interacting with people.

      Self-Aware AI- This is the most advanced form of artificial intelligence in all of its types. It gives the capacity to machines which makes them aware of their own emotions as well as the emotions of other people around them. This gives machines a level of consciousness and intelligence which is quite similar to human beings. This type of artificial intelligence has needs, desires, and also emotions.

Machines who have this type of artificial intelligence will be self-aware of their own emotions and mental condition. They can make inferences that are not possible with other types of artificial intelligence.

Advantages: -

  1. Artificial intelligence reduces the time which is usually taken to perform a particular task. It also makes it easy to perform difficult tasks without much delay.
  2. Artificial Intelligence can work 24*7 without any interruption or time gap and it has no downtime. Artificial intelligence has mass-market potential and can be used in various industries. Humans are productive for only about 3-4 hours in a day and they also need breaks and rest gaps to balance their work life and personal life. But AI can work endlessly without any such breaks.
  3. Artificial Intelligence performs decision-making by making the process faster and smarter. It introduces a new and improved interface for human interaction. It also handles the data better than humans.
  4. AI helps convert information into knowledge. It improves the efficiency of work and also reduces the duration of time to accomplish a task in comparison to humans.
  5. Artificial Intelligence is also not discriminatory in emotions whether it likes them or not. Artificial intelligence does not have any biased views and it ensures accurate decision making.
  6. Artificial intelligence is also very much advantageous in medical applications. Doctors are consulting the patients and their health risks with the help of artificial intelligence machines. In radiosurgery, artificial intelligence is used in operating tumors and it also helps in the operation without damaging the near tissues of the body.

Disadvantages: -

  1. Artificial Intelligence is higher cost as the ability to create a machine that can simulate human intelligence is not a small thing. Artificial Intelligence, can also not think outside the box. Ethics and morality are important human features that can be difficult to incorporate into an AI.
  2. Artificial Intelligence can also lead to unemployment. If jobs will be done by machines, then what humans will do? It also makes humans lazy because of getting advantage of automatic machines.
  3. Artificial Intelligence can also be a negative factor if it is programmed to do something devastating. Automatic weapons have artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill the enemy. These types of weapons will be in the hands of the wrong people then it could easily lead to mass destruction. Even if artificial intelligence is programmed to do something beneficial, it can also achieve that goal with a destructive method. This can happen when the goal of humans will not align with the goals of artificial intelligence.
  4. Artificial Intelligence also does not improve with experience. Improving with experience is a normal trait of human beings that is not present in artificial intelligence on that level in comparison to humans. Machines are not capable of judging what is right or wrong because they are incapable of understanding ethical conduct or illegal conduct.
  5. Artificial Intelligence has no human replication factor. No matter how smart a machine will work, it can never replicate human beings. Machines cannot possess the same emotions, moral values, ethical conduct, and legal conduct in comparison to humans.





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