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Sean-Patrick Mulryan

Northern Ireland

Writing for the Gown has enabled me to fortify an ability to produce unique, individual, concise and accurate news stories under the pressure of time constraints which has produced wonders for my communication skills. Alongside this there is a level of independence and self-motivation I maintain to tackle any problem I’m presented with, possessing a keen, creative mind. I feel I have the skills to be a great asset, with my experience in dealing with people daily in my customer service role and understanding human emotion, alongside a lifelong burning desire to work in this field. My time at The Gown has enabled me to forge communication and teamwork skills that are beneficial to achieving an integrated, adaptive and inclusive approach to this field.


Similarly, my role within the Social Talks editorial staff has been incredibly rewarding. As I manage a group of four journalists, I have to ensure that they all adhere to their weekly deadlines. Having a high degree of communication skills is integral, as you must approach any difficult scenario you are faced against with great humanity, humility and understanding. In situations where deadlines are missed, I attempt to offer a hand of help to understand if there are external issues prohibiting the completion of work. Being able to empathise leads to a strong flourishing of teamwork. This role has offered me a great chance to extend my editorial skills, proofreading a multitude of submitted articles for spelling, punctuation, grammar and factual inconsistencies. 


As well as my role with The Gown and The Social Talks, I produce content for the biggest Liverpool Fan Channel, The Redmen TV. The opportunity has allowed me to develop fantastic skills with my written work, as it requires deep statistical research to enable a thorough examination of topics regarding Liverpool. The role requires immense editorial work as there has to be keen attention to detail to ensure that the facts included in articles are up to date, and also that my quality of written communication is to a high degree. 

Having undertaken Media Studies and Journalism at A level, achieving the Laird Media award in the former, I have extensive knowledge of a multitude of word and editing software. These include Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. I have crafted magazines, video content and also a multitude of news articles utilising these means. I have a broad range of content in my portfolio which I believe showcases my credentials in these editing applications to an impeccable standard.

Articles By Sean-Patrick Mulryan