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Shiven Chudasama | London, UK / Seoul, South Korea


Originally from the UK, I am currently completing my exchange year abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Determined to enter the political world, I am an aspiring journalist/writer who writes with a captivating sense of honesty through compelling perspectives on current affairs, modern society and culture. The importance of sharing stories challenges world views and encourages the diversity of thought on all matters of life. As an undergraduate, I have much to learn and to co-operate with experienced journalists I am endeavoured to gain valuable knowledge and experience, and to effectively contribute to the team.

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/shiven-chudasama

Medium: shivenc.medium.com

Articles By Shiven Chudasama

The Suicide Question: South Korea’s Student and Elderly Struggle Published on April 16, 2024, 1:18 a.m.