The eyes have electrical impulses that cause humans to see various colours. Different colours affect the way humans view and feel things.


Specific colours affect the way one feels. For instance, red represents anxiety and anger. Blue represents relaxation and calmness. Green represents grass or vegetation; moreover, it usually stands for health, how one takes care of her body.


According to a study by Scientific American, various colours stimulate different emotions in Children. For example, pink, red, and yellow make children feel positive about themselves, and bright solid colours have a powerful effect on their emotions.


In addition, according to a Psychologist, Dr Mahnke, “ The colour produced by light is a kind of energy. This kind of energy affects both the functions of our body and our minds and emotions. Thanks to studies conducted, we know that colour affects brain waves, the autonomic nervous system and hormonal activity and stimulates various emotions.


In other words, we react psychologically to colours. Depending on how the colour stimulates the brain, a person can be happy, angry, sad, or anxious”. Dark colours, such as black, grey, silver, and brown, represent gloom, depression, and stress.


Zena O’Connor, a member of The Department of Architecture, made a statement about colours, stating, “ many of these claims lack substantiation in terms of empirical support, exhibit fundamental flaws(such as casual oversimplification and subjective validation), and may include results presented as facts”. O’Connor explained, “In addition, such claims often refer to outdated research without referring to current research findings”.


Colours play a role in conveying information; for example, if you see a nice soft colour like pink, you will buy a pink dress. If you are not in a good mood, you will use red to display anger, or you will use grey if you are feeling ill.


A questionnaire was also used to assess psychological effects. Three colours (red, green, and blue) were shown to each subject. Red and blue represented warmth and heaviness, and excitement, respectively. Green depicted vibrant and anxiety.


Moreover, red and yellow colours were used to justify traditional characteristics in people. A person, for example, who is well rested needs some physical activity. A person can get over-excited, which can lead to anxiety. Blue is considered relaxing and soothing. However, overexposure to blue can also lead to depression, so you must limit the use of the colour blue.


Colours also lead you to conclude certain things that you experience or encounter. For example, if you see the colour black, you may think of death, sorrow, or mourning. You might think of life, purity, or a good person if you see white.


Colours are used in traffic. When you see red, that means stop. When you see green, that means go, and yellow means slow down.


Companies use bright colours to attract clients. The brighter the colours are, the more likely clients are interested in what the companies are selling. For example, Lucky Charms cereal has bright colours on the box, so children are interested in eating lucky charms, and parents are more likely to purchase it.