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Cyber Crimes in Chennai

Cyber crime is a criminal activity that encompasses various forms of frauds involving

technology like computer and network. The fraud involves computer in commission of

crime or any internet linked device may be used as a target. India recorded 11.8% rise in

cyber crime in the year 2020 . The country recorded about 50,000 cases of cyber fraud and

578 incidents of “ fake news on social media” were also reported. The increase in cyber

crime in the past two year is due to the pandemic which witnessed people spending more

time with digital tools, as per the press information bureau.

Among the number of cyber related frauds , Uttar Pradesh recorded the maximum number

of cases followed by Karnataka and Maharashtra according to the National Crime Record

Bureau . In south India , the state of Tamil Nadu recorded 782 cases according to the NCRB

report titled “ Crime in India 2020”.

Various reasons have been responsible behind the rise of cyber crimes in the city of

Chennai . Upon investigating the of rise cyber crime in the metropolitan city , an advocate

and certified cyber crime investigator and forensic analyst , Karthikeyan .N threw light upon

various types of cyber crimes . “Tricks based crime , scam based , sim-swapping , banking

transactions based crime are some of very common cyber crimes in the Chennai city”, said

Karthikeyan . “ Most of the cyber crime involves mind tricks for example in wassap . In

Phishing , the culprit plays with the mind of the user and tricks him into revealing personal

details like address and bank details like OTP, CVV, POS leading to online financial frauds .”,

said the advocate.

There are cyber crimes against women including sextortion in which they are blackmailed by

using morphed pictures on social media and Vulgar comments and posts used to harass

women. In 2021, crime against women comprised 25% of the total cyber-crime complaints

that police registered. “They dupe women by forging the picture using wassap display

picture to make a fake profile ”, said Karthikeyan.N .

“ Women and youngsters need to be aware and alert using social media as they are easy

target .They have often fallen prey to online pornography in lure of job. Several complaints

have been registered by women in “Cyber-stalking”.


Chennai city is witnessing increase in frauds related to ATM/debit card, credit card and

internet banking , based on the report by private and public banks . In case of such financial

frauds , the RBI has issued instructions ( Policy of customer protection-limited liability of

customers in unauthorised electronic banking transaction , circular of July 2017 ) by

providing for zero liability of a customer , if he/she informs the bank regarding an

unauthorised electronic transaction within three working days of receipt of information in

respect of the transaction from the bank .RBI has advised banks to ensure that complaints in

this regard are resolved and the liability of the customer if any is established within 30 days

of the unauthorised debit . The customer is eligible for compensation as per the rules.


“ Spreading awareness against cyber-crimes through short -message services (sms) , radio

campaigns, publicity on prevention of cyber-crime , cyber safety tips through social media ,

publishing hand book for adolescents/students , conducting banking electronic awareness

and training (e-baat) , are few steps that can be taken to mitigate cyber crimes “, said


There have been several cases of cyber crime frauds on applications like olx , matrimonial

and dating sites, magic -bricks , Naukri. com etc. “ It is advised to refrain from greed and

foolishness to prevent being duped“, said the advocate.

Increasing cyber crime cases among juvenile has been increasing sharply in Chennai city . As

per the NCRB , most of such cases involving juvenile are computer related involving obscene

content , impersonation, fake news . According to “The Indian Express “ Mahesh Kumar

Agarwal , the commissioner of greater Chennai corporation in the year 2020, launched

special dedicated cyber cells to the existing 12 police districts in Chennai . These cyber cells

registered several cyber crime and solved more cases pertaining children.

“ Some of the reasons for increase in cyber crime among children is the use of cell phones

in school. Earlier children spent more time in socialising and outdoor activities like playing

etc. However, now they spent most of their time in electronic gadgets “, said Priyam vada ,

professor in Department of criminology , University of Madras .

“ Children must use gadgets like cell-phone under strict parental supervision. Also, physical

activity among children needs to be encouraged to improve both physical and mental health

of child”, said the professor. “Accessibility and usage of electronic gadget should be carefully

monitored in a child so as to prevent them from misusing them. After all , prevention is

better than cure ”, she said.

According to NCRB Report titled “ Crime in India”, Adolescent children are more likely to

engage in cyber crime such as hacking and online bullying . In Tamil Nadu , there have been

instances of computer hacking or “cyber-trespassing” in youth . In Hacking, the

programming software is accessed and all the data is stolen , according to NCRB .

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