Abdul Ezedi has not been seen in a week following his chemical attack on a 31-year-old mother and her two daughters. Although police have been looking for this man throughout London, they believe that he may be dead.


The Guardian says that the authorities have started looking for the body of the suspect in the River Thames. The Metropolitan Police have confirmed that Abdul Ezedi, who was captured on CCTV video leaning over the railings of Chelsea Bridge in West London during the night of the attack, may have drowned after falling into the Thames.


A former senior police officer named Nick Aldworth stated on BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "The marine police will have a thorough understanding of how the river functions. They'll be aware of the ins and outs of the tides". Given the current technology accessible to officers, he also stated that he thought it's extremely probable that Ezedi's body would be found, "if that is where it is" says Nick. "They'll have a fairly clear concept of where a body may appear if it goes in at any particular point along its length" adds Nick.


 Ezedi had been in a relationship with the woman he attacked, his breakup being the most possible reason for his actions, Met police have said.

Officers had been looking for him for almost a week, and they have raided two locations in Newcastle that are allegedly linked to him. Ezedi arrived in the UK in a truck in 2016, but he was denied asylum twice. The Home Office's denial request was eventually overturned after he stated that he had become a Christian. Despite being found guilty of two sexual assaults in 2018, he was permitted to remain in the UK because the severity of his charges did not warrant his deportation.


Caroline Nokes, the Tory chair of the women and equalities committee, mentioned that "there is always a criminal injuries' compensation scheme. I’ve had a quick look at that, and it does look as if there will be financial support available, as well as counselling and trauma support. What they have been through has been horrific".


Photo source: Pinterest

Editor: Jaya Jha