In 2015, nearly 200 nations endorsed the groundbreaking Paris Climate Agreement, aiming to cap the global temperature increase below 2°C, ideally at 1.5°C, above pre-industrial levels. This objective hinges on countries submitting and fulfilling voluntary emissions reduction targets known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). A crucial facet is the Global Stocktake, conducted every five years from 2023 onward, assessing collective progress in emissions reduction, adaptation, financial contributions, and technology collaboration.

At COP28, countries executed the inaugural Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement to evaluate global progress on climate action. This involved extensive preparatory work by the UNFCCC and Technical Assessment bodies, analyzing data on emissions, adaptation, finance, and technology. During COP28, intensive technical sessions and ministerial roundtables reviewed these inputs and discussed status and gaps across mitigation, adaptation, support/finance, and implementation. The submitted Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were analyzed to evaluate if countries' emissions targets are enough to limit warming to 1.5°C when aggregated.

Looking back historically, the 2009 Copenhagen Summit sought a binding successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol but concluded without a solid agreement due to disputes between developed and developing nations, although it laid the groundwork for subsequent talks. In contrast, the 2015 Paris Agreement aimed to secure voluntary commitments from almost every country to reduce emissions and constrain global temperature increases. 

Unlike Copenhagen, Paris is acknowledged for establishing a unified global climate agreement, marking a historic achievement. While the Paris Agreement lacked legally binding emission reduction targets, it implemented a reporting framework and mechanisms for increasing commitments over time. Other past summits, such as the 2002 Johannesburg Summit and the 2012 Rio+20 Summit, faced challenges with vague goals and weak commitments. the shortcomings of previous summits often stemmed from a lack of global consensus and insufficiently ambitious or vague goals, while Paris succeeded due to improved collaboration, technological progress, and heightened activism, even as criticisms persist around binding targets and accountability.

The Global Stocktake highlighted gaps in NDCs, adaptation, finance, and technology cooperation, emphasizing the need for heightened ambition and implementation. Challenges persist in ensuring full compliance with past climate agreements and pledges. While the Paris Agreement and mechanisms like the Global Stocktake aim to strengthen accountability, gaps remain, given the voluntary nature of NDCs.

Efforts to enhance accountability include domestic policies setting legally binding emission limits, transparency and reporting processes for NDCs, and public pressure to name and shame underperformers. Linking climate action to trade policy faces legal hurdles, while independent verification and expanding UN climate bodies' oversight powers encounter practical and political challenges. Increasing funding tied to NDC and finance commitments could motivate delivery but may fall short of covering full-needs. Strengthening implementation and transparency in climate agreements remains a top priority.


The 2023 Global Stocktake provided a comprehensive snapshot of progress on the Paris Agreement, highlighting priority areas for accelerated progress by COP30 in 2028. Regular stocktakes will enhance climate accountability. While some countries exhibited progress at COP28, overall efforts were deemed insufficient, revealing deficiencies in emissions reduction, financial assistance, and technology transfer.

Responses to strengthening climate commitments varied at COP28, with numerous countries announcing more robust NDCs, yet analyses indicate they still fall short globally. Climate advocates urged governments, particularly developed nations, to fulfill commitments and increase support, aiming for the annual $100 billion pledge.

Under President Biden, the US fortified its climate leadership, setting a new emissions reduction target and prioritizing renewable energy, electric transportation, conservation, and climate justice. However, legislative and funding constraints pose challenges.

Sustained international collaboration and accountability are crucial to building on Paris Agreement momentum. The 2028 Stocktake will serve as a barometer of progress towards limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C. Robust implementation and heightened ambition are pivotal.

Negotiations are ongoing regarding the goals of COP28, with a primary focus on expediting the reduction of coal, oil, and gas production and consumption. However, as of now, no binding targets or mechanisms have been instituted for this purpose. The challenge of diminishing fossil fuel usage necessitates substantial investments in clean energy and cooperation from both producers and consumers in the fossil fuel industry, and historically, securing binding commitments in this regard has proven challenging.

While COP26 witnessed some progress with commitments to reduce methane emissions and phase down coal, these agreements were non-binding. Anticipated resistance from fossil fuel-producing nations, including the United Arab Emirates, to binding production limits or phase-outs is expected at COP28. Similarly, major consumers like the United States are hesitant to make binding commitments.

Effectively transitioning economies away from fossil fuels demands extensive funding, technological advancements, political determination, and substantial changes to infrastructure and behaviors. This formidable challenge persists even in the absence of binding steps. Nevertheless, favorable trends in economics and technology toward clean energy suggest that binding signals from COP28 could potentially expedite this transition, albeit with aspirational rather than obligatory targets.

In conclusion, despite oversight mechanisms, countries must urgently elevate climate commitments. The Global Stocktake illuminates crucial progress areas, emphasizing the need for political will, creative approaches, and sustained public pressure to turn promised climate action into real-world implementation.