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MGTOW- A Growing Ideology

MGTOW (pronounced mig-tow) is an ideology originating from Men's Rights Activist. It stands for Men Go Their Way. The philosophy behind it is simple and self-explanatory. Men, going their way, rejecting society and living and defining masculinity and time on their terms. It involves rejecting feminism and societal standards, in extreme cases, society as a whole. It is one of the most prominent manosphere forums.

To better understand this, the manosphere is a network of online forums. They center around anti-feminist beliefs that blame women for the majority, of society's problems. MGTOW has various sub-ideologies, who only identify with it to some extent. A part of MGTOW's reasoning stems from the way some parts of the legal system are designed to benefit women unfairly. Several divorce cases end up with the father losing custody of the child even if the mother is abusive and cannot care for the child. There are multiple instances of male statutory rape victims being forced to pay child support for children they don't want to raise.

Male sexual assault victims are not taken very seriously, this is the same for men's mental health. False sexual assault accusations can ruin men's reputations for life. There are multiple incidents of false assertions of college students where they lose scholarships and college admissions. They do not get a chance to reclaim this even if proven innocent. Such examples of sexism against men are simply the motivations for men who believe in MGTOW.

From a broader and more general perspective, MGTOW has four stages. The first stage - is where men are aware that they are being used and manipulated by women. However, they still believe in meaningful relationships with women, especially marriage.

The second stage - is where men reject long-term relationships and only seek short-term relationships and casual encounters.

In the third stage - they reject any relationship and limit their interactions with women.

The final stage - the most extreme, is a scenario where the man 'goes ghost'. Here they reject society as a whole, going as far as to refuse employment.

Men who go ghost, are often regarded as legends and heroes in manosphere and MGTOW forums. While the movement has been around for more than a decade, it has only recently gained popularity. The subreddit for this movement, which was banned eventually, grew very popular around 2018-2021. Over time, there have been various sub-subreddits and forums cantered around the MGTOW ideology.

The general opinion of MGTOW is very conflicting. Some people support it, while some do not. If you analyze and look at MGTOW and how it works closely, you'll notice that it does have its pros and cons. But most people do have meaningful relationships with women that they wish to keep. Multiple articles highlight the rise of MGTOW and how it is gaining popularity, especially in the west and Europe. However, various columns also state how it is a toxic ideology.

The Guardian has called it a "toxic male separatist movement". And there's plenty of proof to call it that. Many men in manosphere forums spend a lot of time talking about the plague that has affected society, a.k.a women. However, there also exist, men who go MGTOW because they feel like it brings them peace, rather than to use it as a medium to spread generalized hate.

In conclusion, many men identifying with MGTOW don't completely do it to achieve peace and happiness. However, there is a logical site for men who believe in MGTOW. This belief is seen in some of the toxic manosphere forums. But every ideology is not without some logic behind it, and, while there is a reasonable minority who adhere to the principles of MGTOW, the public reception of MGTOW isn't completely pro-MGTOW.

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