Ramadan holds immense significance in the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims across the globe, including in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This month involves fasting from sunrise to sunset and increased spiritual practices, such as attending prayers and reading the Quran.

The UAE celebrates the month with a unique blend of spirituality, generosity, and community. The majority of the population, which is predominantly Muslim, participates in fasting and religious activities. This holy month is also a time for families to come together and for friends to socialize, with traditional foods and beverages being served during iftar (the breaking of the fast at sunset) and suhoor (the pre-dawn meal before fasting begins).

To support the observance of Ramadan, the UAE government implements several measures, including reduced working hours for employees, particularly those involved in manual labor. Non-Muslims also demonstrate respect for this holy month and adhere to specific regulations, such as refraining from eating, drinking, or smoking in public during the day.


About ‘Ramadan’


Ramadan is considered the most sacred month for Muslims worldwide, as it is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, refraining from eating, drinking, smoking, and engaging in sexual activity.

For Muslims, Ramadan is a time of increased spiritual devotion and reflection. They use this month to deepen their relationship with God through acts of charity, kindness, prayer, and recitation of the Quran. It is believed that the rewards for good deeds are multiplied during Ramadan, which motivates many Muslims to increase their acts of worship and service to others.

At sunset, Muslims break their fast with a meal known as iftar, often shared with loved ones. The pre-dawn meal, called suhoor, is eaten before the day's fasting begins.

Ramadan is also a time for community and togetherness. Mosques host nightly prayers and communal meals, while families and friends gather to break their fast and share in the spirit of the holy month.

Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, and it is celebrated with prayers, feasting, and gift-giving, bringing joy and happiness to the Muslim community.


Importance of the month


To begin with, Ramadan is regarded as the month when the initial verses of the Quran were disclosed to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims trust that during this period, the entrance to paradise is opened, the access to hell is closed, and the demons are restrained. Consequently, Ramadan is seen as a moment of spiritual rejuvenation and refinement, as Muslims endeavor to intensify their relationship with God and request a pardon for their transgressions.

Furthermore, Ramadan is a season of heightened compassion and kindness towards others, particularly those deprived. Using fasting, Muslims develop a greater understanding of the predicament of those who are starving or needy and are encouraged to donate generously to charitable causes and carry out benevolent deeds for their fellow beings.

Lastly, Ramadan is a time of unity and togetherness, with Muslims congregating for iftar and prayers and joining in collective acts of worship and service. The month provides an opportunity to fortify the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within the Muslim community and to reinforce the shared values and principles of the faith.


Who has to fast?

In the Islamic faith, it is mandatory for all mature Muslims who are physically capable of fasting during Ramadan. This implies that those who are unwell, traveling, pregnant, nursing, or menstruating, as well as children who have not yet reached puberty, are excused from fasting.


Women who are menstruating or experiencing postnatal bleeding are not required to fast during Ramadan. However, they are expected to make up the missed fasts at a later time when they can do so. Women who are pregnant or nursing and are unable to fast can make up for the missed fasts later, or they can pay fidyah, which is a donation to feed a poor person for each day of missed fasting.

It's worth noting that these exceptions are not meant to diminish the importance of fasting during Ramadan but rather to ensure the health and well-being of women and their babies. In Islam, the welfare of individuals is highly valued, and religion provides flexibility in certain situations to accommodate individual circumstances.

Those obligated to fast will refrain from consuming food, drinks, and tobacco and engaging in sexual activity from dawn until sunset every day during Ramadan. The fast commences with the pre-dawn meal, suhoor, and concludes with the sunset meal, known as iftar.

Throughout the day, Muslims are also expected to participate in more acts of worship and devotion, such as reciting the Quran, performing additional prayers, and donating to charity. Many Muslims also regard Ramadan as an opportunity to eliminate bad habits and enhance their spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

Each day, the fast is broken at sunset with the iftar meal, which often consists of dates and water, followed by a more extensive dinner with loved ones. Numerous Muslims also attend communal iftar gatherings organized by mosques or other institutions.

Additional prayers (Taraweeh), charity (Zakat)

Taraweeh refers to the additional prayers performed in the evening during Ramadan. These prayers are usually performed after the Isha prayer and consist of 20 rak'ahs (units of prayer). Taraweeh is an opportunity for Muslims to deepen their spiritual connection with God and to recite and reflect upon the Quran.

Qiyam, also known as the Night Prayer, is a voluntary prayer that Muslims can perform during Ramadan. This prayer can be performed individually or in the congregation and is usually performed after the Taraweeh prayer. Qiyam is an opportunity for Muslims to engage in extra worship and devotion during Ramadan.

Charity, or Zakat, is also an essential aspect of Ramadan observance for Muslims. During this month, Muslims are encouraged to increase their charitable giving and assist those in need. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it requires Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those who are less fortunate. In addition to Zakat, many Muslims also engage in Sadaqah, which refers to voluntary acts of charity and good deeds.


Night of Honor (Laylat al-Qadr)

The Night of Honor, also known as Laylat al-Qadr in Arabic, holds immense significance for Muslims during Ramadan. This night marks the revelation of the first verses of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.

Muslims believe that the Night of Honor brings abundant blessings and rewards and that every good deed performed on this night is multiplied manifold. Although the exact date is unknown, it is believed to fall during the final ten nights of Ramadan, with most scholars considering it to be one of the odd-numbered nights like the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, or 29th night of Ramadan.

On the Night of Honor, Muslims engage in different acts of worship and devotion, such as performing additional prayers, reciting the Quran, and engaging in acts of charity and benevolence. Many Muslims also stay up all night, seeking the blessings of this special night.

In essence, the Night of Honor is a momentous occasion for Muslims, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual rejuvenation, devotion, and connection with the Almighty.

Millions of Muslims worldwide observe Ramadan as a time for spiritual rejuvenation and contemplation. This month is marked by fasting, prayer, and charitable acts and serves as an occasion to strengthen one's faith and forge a deeper connection with God. Fasting helps Muslims cultivate self-discipline, self-restraint, and gratitude for God's blessings.

Additionally, Ramadan provides an occasion to engage in additional acts of worship and devotion, such as reading the Quran, praying, and giving to charity. The Night of Power, a special night during Ramadan, holds immense significance for Muslims, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and connection with God.


All in all, Ramadan is a time of immense spiritual importance for Muslims and a reminder to all of the value of devotion, self-control, and empathy in our daily lives.