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The Significance of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, often referred to as the “Brad of Avon”, is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights and poets in the English language. His works, written in the late 16th and early 17th century, continue to be studied, performed, and celebrated around the world. As his work gained importance, the application of correctly spelling words became more common as he originated hundreds of phrases and words that English speakers still use to this day. Through his work, he created adverbs, adjectives, and compound words, whilst also adding prefixes and suffixes to several words. 


The significance of Shakespeare lies in several key areas; one key area being his literary legacy as Shakespeare's plays and poems have had a profound and enduring impact on English literature. His ability to explore complex human emotions, relationships, and societal issues with profound insight and poetic language has made his works timeless. His works also make them relatable to today’s world as, although his plays were written many periods ago, they are based on the overall view of life. Similarly, his language mastery has also given him a significant presence as his command of the English language is unarguably unparalleled. He has coined and popularized numerous words and phrases which are still in use today and his poetic and eloquent language, combined with his mastery of rhetoric, has had a lasting influence on the development of the English language.


Shakespeare’s diversity of his genres and themes also constructed him to have a significant presence. His body of work encompasses a wide range of genres, including tragedies, comedies, histories, and romances, showing that diversity has contributed to his widespread appeal and enduring relevance. Also, his exploration of universal themes such as love, jealousy, power, betrayal, and the human condition resonates across cultures and centuries. His works address fundamental aspects of the human experience, making them relatable to people from various backgrounds and periods. 


Another major means that has made Shakespeare significant, is his cultural impact. Shakespeare's cultural impact is immense and enduring, extending far beyond the realm of literature and theatre. Shakespeare's plays have been adapted into countless films, television series, and other artistic forms showing that his characters, quotes, and stories have become ingrained in popular culture, contributing to the ongoing relevance of his work.


In addition to this, Shakespeare played a crucial role in shaping the theatrical landscape of his time as his impact on the world of theatre is immeasurable. He is associated with the Globe Theatre in London and wrote plays that were not only meant to be read but also performed. His innovative use of language, stagecraft, and characterization influenced the development of drama. In essence, Shakespeare's cultural impact is multifaceted, shaping not only the arts but also the way we communicate, think, and perceive the world. His enduring legacy continues to resonate across cultures and generations, making him a central figure in the cultural heritage of the English-speaking world and beyond.


Shakespeare’s deep understanding of human nature and psychology also constructs a significance to his name. These specific elements are evident in his characters and their motivations as his nuanced portrayal of characters with conflicting emotions and moral dilemmas reflects a keen insight into the complexities of the human psyche. Shakespeare's portrayal of humans is rich and multifaceted and his ability to delve into the complexities of human nature, emotions, and relationships is a hallmark of his works. He explores the full range of human emotions, from love and joy to jealousy, anger, and despair with characters like Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello for example, undergoing profound psychological journeys that reveal the intricacies of the human mind. Shakespeare’s complex female characters also give his viewers insights into Elizabethan society especially in an era when female roles in theatre were typically played by men. Shakespeare created strong and complex female characters for example, characters like Lady Macbeth, Ophelia, and Beatrice challenge traditional gender roles and provide insights into the experiences of women in Elizabethan society. However, it is also important to note that his portrayal of humans is not solely focused on the tragic or dramatic aspects. His comedies are characterized by clever wordplay, wit, and humour. The character, Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" showcases Shakespeare's ability to inject levity into his works while still addressing profound themes. In summary, Shakespeare's portrayal of humans is marked by its depth, nuance, and exploration of the myriad facets of human nature. His characters reflect the full spectrum of emotions, motivations, and moral dilemmas, making his works enduringly relevant and relatable to audiences across time and cultures.


The significance of Shakespeare lies in his profound impact on literature, language, and the arts. His works continue to be studied for their rich exploration of the human experience, making him a cultural icon whose legacy lives through the ages.



Written by Hazira Miah.

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