12th Fail, the recent film by renowned Bollywood director Vidhu Vinod Chopra, has garnered immense popularity following its digital release on Disney+Hotstar on December 29. Despite being made on a modest budget of approximately ₹20 crore, the film has achieved remarkable box office success, earning a staggering ₹66.5 crore worldwide during its 52-day theatrical run. The movie's captivating storyline, combined with outstanding performances, especially by lead actor Vikrant Massey, has strongly connected with viewers, playing a significant role in its impressive financial achievement.

Despite having limited promotional efforts during its initial release, the film '12th Fail' achieved remarkable success at the box office. Its popularity can be primarily attributed to the overwhelmingly positive word-of-mouth generated by those fortunate enough to have seen it in theaters. This grassroots acclaim became a significant factor in the film's success.

One of the challenges faced by the movie was its release in a relatively small number of theaters, approximately 600 screens. While this may have been considered a limitation in conventional terms, it unexpectedly turned into a unique selling point for '12th Fail.' The strategic decision to have a limited theatrical release was a stroke of marketing brilliance, creating a sense of exclusivity and curiosity around the film. Consequently, the movie generated considerable excitement and anticipation among audiences eager to experience Manoj Kumar Sharma's cinematic journey.

The staggering success of "12th Fail" continued to unfold on the digital front, as the movie swiftly rose to claim the title of the most-watched film of 2023 on Disney+Hotstar. Within three days of its release on the streaming platform, the film captivated audiences and secured its place as the top pick for viewers across the platform.

The filmmaker's vision has resonated powerfully with audiences, marking "12th Fail" as a standout piece of storytelling that transcends conventional boundaries. The heartfelt narrative, rooted in the heartland of India, has struck a chord with viewers.