Van Gogh's paintings are one of the most recognizable ones today, especially the bold strokes of The Starry Night. Though not many know that it was painted when he was in a mental asylum where he spent a long time before his psychosis and depressing episodes gave way to his tragic suicide at the age of 37, His life and legacy remain an eternal source of fascination, as his art transcends time, revealing the sublime amidst sorrow. This piece is a tribute not only to his genius emotive work that fascinates the fancies of millions but also a reflection on the consuming nature of art on both the artist and the admirer.

There are yellows, pinks and greens in the sky

just like there are reds and violets in the sea
They remain latent to the perfect pair of eyes

visible only for the insane enough to see
Each strike and welt on the blank canvas is sublime
Despite being raked in crisis and born of pain
An inspiration for lesser humans to write and rhyme
To not care of perfecting the curves while slapping the paint
But do I dare wish that the world accepted you as you are?
Selfishly not cause your angst and suffering is my muse
without it a white blotch on a black wash would be a star
not the vibrant yellow and orange scythe set in blue
I revel in the art you create while your sensibilities sink
Your being burns and I warm my hands on it in delight 
Your tears diffuse my colours and blood pigments my ink
Intoxicated in this smoke I squander away my night

An aspiring aficionado of your name