If you don’t know who Dylan John Thomas is, I reckon you should do some research. A local Glaswegian artist, 24 years young, Thomas has taken Glasgow by storm. Thomas specialises in soft-rock and indie music but all his songs have a folky feel to them.  He performed at the Barrowland Ballroom three nights in a row last week and there is no doubt he will have been on a high since. 

I had seen Dylan John Thomas (also known as DJT), perform before at a British music festival. He was great so, I was ecstatic to be able to buy tickets for his more intimate gig in Glasgow. I attended his first show last week and had a brilliant time. Thomas’ show was just fun. If you are simply looking for a good time, his concerts are the perfect location. DJT does not yet have a wide discography, but has pulled in a massive audience to fill a renowned venue three nights in a row. With catchy lyrics and tunes with a genuine and patriotic vibe, a DJT concert is the place to be.

When we first reached the venue, there was a queue that stretched for hundreds of yards which we stood in for around thirty minutes. I was not expecting this as usually if you go to a concert with a local Glaswegian performing, the queue is not too big.  We eventually made our way through the security checks and made a B-line through to the bar. After becoming bankrupt from paying for our pints, we made our way into the main hall and found a good space to stand for the concert. I am quite short so this is usually a whole process, you need to understand. I found the perfect position and DJT came on immediately. We had made it just in time.

If you have ever attended a concert or gig in Glasgow you will know that the crowds will probably be rowdy, loud and having a bloody good time. As soon as DJT came on stage and his iconic theme tune began to play, a mosh pit was formed right beside me. You should have seen the fear on my face. I am a firm believer that if you see a mosh pit, you should join in. If you stand still you are more likely to get hurt. A mosh pit is when within a crowd, a typically shirtless and sweaty man makes a circle amongst all the people around him. It’s a sort of brace for impact situation. The people now involved in the chaos, push back the circle as far as they can, bringing more unsuspecting people into the process. When the beat of the music drops, everyone jumps into the space created by the circle. Yes, they jump into one another. You can now see why this is potentially dangerous.

After the mosh pit settled, it was clear that nearly everyone in the hall knew the lyrics to DJT’s songs. Lyrics are not sung in Glasgow, but are shouted and roared. Glaswegians are such passionate people that if they see a fellow Glaswegian perform, the pride will beam out of them. Everywhere I looked, eyes were glued to Thomas and voices were being strained from singing so intensely. DJT's lyrics were pretty simple yet highly effective. They had meaning but not to the extent where the main melody of the song was overshadowed.

DJT did not speak much in between songs, but I liked this. I am not very fussed about the artists who choose to take the opportunity of being on stage to lead a Ted Talk. This is my personal preference, but you can make up your own mind on this. I danced and sang with my friends. There were four of us there and not one of us stopped smiling. It was safe to say the night was a success.

Post concert my friend posted a picture of me and him to his Instagram story which he tagged Dylan John Thomas in. DJT liked my friend's story so it is now confirmed he has seen my face. I am maybe a little too excited about this.

2023 has been a year for exploring new music and artists in my community. Dylan John Thomas has come onto my radar this year and I am very pleased about this. His concert was cracking and so was his music. It is important to support artists from your community. I urge you to do the same. Give it two years and DJT will be the next Gerry Cinnamon. I strongly suggest you to go and see one of his concerts, especially if it is in Glasgow.