After a successful first season which aired in 2019, Good Omens is returning later this month, a move that fans of the fantastical comedy series weren’t expecting. Though this installment will not have a novel to bounce ideas off of (unlike the first season which was heavily based off of the 1990 novel of the same name by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett), fans remain hopeful about its success since Gaiman is one of the writers heading the project.

In preparation for the release of a second season, there are bound to be people rewatching the first six episodes, but here is a quick review of the most important plot points—with a few life lessons thrown in—in case you’re one of the few who aren’t.


1. Don't take life too seriously.

During the first episode of Good Omens, fans watch Aziraphale and Crowley desperately attempt to raise the Antichrist with both angelic and demonic values, until they realize they are keeping watch over the wrong boy. As the duo go in search of Adam, the real Antichrist, viewers encounter scenes filled with postmodern reflections which come off as comical, especially in the case of Crowley and Aziraphale discussing the concept of ineffability. Amid all of this philosophical humor, there is a streak of lightheartedness seen in the group of children called ‘the Them’: Adam and his friends Brian, Wensleydale, and Pepper.

Adam and his friends are naturally curious, speculating about occultist Anathema—the newest neighbor in town, and why the world is the way that it is (ie. rainforests, recycling, the fate of Atlantis, etc.). Adam also creates games for him and his friends to play, including their own childish version of the Spanish Inquisition which consists of ‘torturing’ each other by taking turns on a tire swing. In another scene, the kids discuss the mechanics of ice cream flavors, arguing about how so many flavors can exist for the tasty dessert. All in all, many of the events surrounding the Them encourage viewers to remember what it’s like to be a kid and not take life too seriously.


2. Sides don't matter. Values matter.

In a world of passive-aggressive angels and violence-loving demons, it’s not difficult to understand how there could be division and condemnation brewing between heaven and hell. But despite their differences, it becomes clear as the season progresses that the only thing these opposing sides agree on is that Armageddon must occur. Enter: Crowley and Aziraphale.

Earthbound Crowley and Aziraphale have come to love everything about the mortal plane; after all, it has been their post since Eden was created. Neither of them understand why everyone on earth must be destroyed in order to settle an eons-long duel about whether heaven or hell will prevail. So, despite technically belonging to their respective sides, the angel and demon create their own side through their shared appreciation of human life and decide to save the world—with the help of Adam, of course.

Considering how polarized opinions and political parties have become over the last decade or so, this is an interesting and valuable lesson to keep in mind. The idea that people can still find shared values no matter where they lie on a moral (or political) spectrum is a powerful one that should be remembered more often than it currently is.


3. Even when we make mistakes, life will still work out.

Everyone wishes they could go back and change at least one thing in their lives, even if it’s as simple as wishing you had ordered an iced chai this morning rather than a hot one. But when it comes to bigger mistakes—such as, I don’t know, losing the Antichrist—it can feel like we’re messing everything up. But if we look at season one of Good Omens, we realize that even if we make a mistake, there is a chance that the world won’t end.

When Anathema loses her family heirloom, The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, she is so ashamed of her failure as a Professional Descendant that she proceeds to have a breakdown. Newt—wannabe computer engineer and recently recruited Witchfinder—habitually breaks every computer he touches. But both of these occurrences work out in everyone’s favor. Anathema losing the book allows Aziraphale to find it and learn more about the identity of the Antichrist. Newt’s inability to work with computers helps him stop the launch of nuclear warheads. Without mistakes, the world probably would have ended during season one.


4. Be willing to try new things.

From Newt becoming a Witchfinder after he is fired from his job, to Witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell developing a closer relationship with Madame Tracy, there are many delightful character arcs found in season one. Aziraphale goes from blindly trusting his supervisors to searching for what he believes is right. Madame Tracy—a woman of many professions including that of a medium—staunchly sets out on a journey to Tadfield while semi-possessed by an angel. Shadwell faces his fear of the supernatural. Anathema decides not to go on with living her life through the lens of Agnes Nutter’s prophecies.

Through all of the developments and changes seen in these characters, viewers come to understand the importance of stepping outside of your daily routine and being brave. This season was filled with characters from all backgrounds which further showed that everyone is capable of changing their lives at any point in time, even if they’re facing the threat of Armageddon.


5. Treat yourself.

Tired, yet jubilant after saving the world and fooling their respective employers, Aziraphale and Crowley teach fans about the importance of celebration in the last few scenes of season one when they dine at the Ritz. When you have accomplished something, it’s important to acknowledge your efforts and be proud of your hard work.

And fans can treat themselves to Season 2 of Good Omens beginning July 28th on Amazon Prime Video.