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“Major” News In Actors Domestic Violence Suit


Richard F. Watts III

December 14, 2023

In March, New York City Police responded to a 911 call made by actor Jonathan Majors. Majors told police that his now ex-partner, Grace Jabbari, was unconscious after he returned home from staying the night in a hotel. He insinuated that Jabbari may have attempted to harm herself from texts he received before finding Jabbari. 911 operators asked Majors if Jabbari had hit her head. He told them she had a cut behind her ear.

Criminal Court Judge, Michael Gaffey, allowed the release of newfound media into the case Wednesday. The footage caught by street cameras showed Majors and Jabbari arguing after Jabbari said she saw texts on Majors' phone from another woman. Major aggressively “threw” Jabbari into a private car and later showed Jabbari chasing Majors down the street after their car had pulled over. Audio recordings made by Jabbari during a separate altercation in September 2022 were entered into the case. The recording included Majors criticizing Jabbari and her late-night activities. Majors told her to be “more like Coretta Scott King or Michelle Obama.” According to The Hollywood Reporter Majors said, “My temper, my shit … all that said, I’m a great man. A great man. I am doing great things, not just for me but for my culture, and for the world.”

The court also saw pictures of bruising on Jabbari’s finger and the cut on her ear that Majors described to 911 operators. Jabbari said that in the car Majors “pried her finger from the phone, grabbed her arm and right hand, twisted her forearm, and then struck her right ear”. Majors’ defense team told the court that Jabbari had torn a button off Majors coat alleging that she was the aggressor. The defense also illuded to Jabbari’s attendance at a club after the incident suggesting she may have injured herself there.


The defense ended their case after just one day of testimony. Majors was charged with four counts of misdemeanor assault and aggravated harassment. He pleaded not guilty to his charges. Closing arguments will conclude later this week as the jury will begin deliberations soon after