In a pivotal stride towards fortifying resilience against the impacts of climate change, the Adaptation Committee of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has initiated a series of region-specific events. These events aim to lay the foundation for a new era focused on strengthening climate resilience and safeguarding populations from the inevitable consequences of climate change.

These region-specific engagement events were launched during the Korea Global Adaptation Week in Songdo from August 28 to September 1, 2023. This endeavor coincides with the international community's gearing up to prioritize adaptation efforts in response to mounting climate challenges.

The global stocktake, which is slated to complete at COP28 in Dubai later this year, is expected to result in decisions targeted at expediting global adaptation activities.

Enhancing Regional Coherence on Adaptation: Spotlight on Asia-Pacific

The inaugural event in this series, titled Boosting region-wide coherence on adaptation, centered on examining the Asia-Pacific context. Participants discussed the shift from a project-level approach to adaptation towards a more comprehensive programmatic systems perspective, which is imperative for driving the transformative changes needed to ensure a resilient future.

The Songdo event centered on several key objectives:

1.     Fostering Common Understanding: Participants aimed to cultivate a shared understanding of region-wide and transboundary adaptation efforts.

2.     Exploring Solutions and Collaboration: The event explored potential solutions, areas for collaboration, pathways towards more significant synergies, and opportunities to address gaps while aligning needs with the global adaptation agenda. The focus also included how the Adaptation Committee could support these efforts.

3.     Facilitating Information Exchange: Stakeholders exchanged information and insights to inform the Adaptation Committee's global, longer-term work under the Adaptation Forum.

4.     Contributing to Post-COP28 Implementation Strategies: A diverse group of stakeholders participated to contribute to Post-COP28 implementation strategies and priorities for enhancing adaptation initiatives.

The event delved into the current science of adaptation, resilience, and adaptive capacity. Participants discussed regional projects addressing transboundary issues such as migration and shared watercourses.

Regional Adaptation Action: Addressing Vulnerability

One critical aspect discussed during the event was the vulnerability of displaced persons and migrants to climate risks. Adaptation efforts were recognized as essential in averting, minimizing, and addressing climate-induced displacement, which erodes adaptive capacity and increases vulnerability.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is actively developing a regional framework for climate-related mobility with several anticipated outcomes. This framework aims to empower Pacific civil society actors, worker and employer organizations, and communities to engage in national, regional, and global processes related to climate mobility.

Some of the intended outcomes include:

1.     Community leaders are gaining increased access to information and knowledge on voluntary and involuntary migration.

2.     Civil society actors and affected migrant populations have a greater capacity to address climate mobility and advocate for human rights-based governmental responses.

3.     Worker and employer organizations in the Pacific are becoming better equipped to promote safe and equitable labor mobility.

Scientific insights were emphasized as crucial decision-making tools for adaptable projects spanning longer timeframes. The Adaptation Committee was acknowledged as pivotal in promoting awareness and capacity-building.

It was also noted that while national projects hold significance, they may pose potential risks to neighboring countries due to a lack of coordination, particularly in shared watercourses. This underscores the importance of regional collaboration, information dissemination, and transformative ecosystem management alignment with the latest scientific research and data.

Upcoming Regional Events

The Adaptation Committee has additional regional events on its agenda:

1.     Africa Regional Climate Week in Nairobi, Kenya (September 48, 2023)

2.     Middle East and North Africa Regional Climate Week in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (October 912, 2023)

3.     Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Climate Week in Panama City, Panama (October 23–27, 2023)

These events are expected to further bolster regional adaptation efforts and strengthen global resilience against the impacts of climate change. As the world grapples with increasing climate challenges, initiatives like these are essential for a more sustainable and resilient future.

Edited by: Sri Soudamini Konka