After a bout of rain, Delhi residents were treated to a rare sight as they witnessed a peculiar celestial occurrence. Known as a "Sun Halo," this optical phenomenon featured a vibrant, rainbow-colored ring encircling the sun. The captivating spectacle was not limited to Delhi alone, as neighboring states such as Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh also experienced this phenomenon.
The Sun Halo, scientifically referred to as the "22 degree halo," manifests as a circular ring of light around the sun or moon, extending approximately 22 degrees in radius. This captivating phenomenon arises from the refraction of sunlight through countless hexagonal ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. The unique ring formation occurs due to the presence of cirrus clouds, which are delicate, detached, hair-like clouds.
Delhi residents were left awe-struck as the halo emerged around the sun on a Saturday morning. Numerous individuals promptly captured this extraordinary spectacle using their mobile phones and shared the images on various social media platforms, causing the phenomenon to rapidly go viral.
It is important to note that caution should be exercised when attempting to photograph sun halos, as direct exposure to the sun can be harmful to the eyes.