Known for its sophisticated social structure, beautiful city-states like Tenochtitlan, and efficient agriculture, the Aztec civilization flourished in central Mexico during the 14th and the 16th centuries. 

They were believers in multiple religions who, among additional deities, worshiped Huitzilopochtli. Although the Aztecs were adept in the arts, astrophysics, and architecture, their culture had challenges, such as hostilities with other tribes. 

After the arrival of Hernán Cortés who led the Spanish conquest in 1521, the Aztec civilization finally came to an end. Nahuatl glyphs are the fundamental script used by the Aztec Civilization. It used symbols and imagery to stand in for words, sounds, or ideas. Painted codices written notes on bark paper, or animal fur that were used to convey religious rites, were all aspects of Aztec culture. 

Tenochtitlan, a magnificent metropolis located on an island in Texcoco, served as the capital during the Aztec Empire. The city's network of roads, bridges, and canals was intricate. It was split up into areas, each with a focus on particular products or services. The layout incorporated cutting-edge urban architecture and planning.  

The Aztecs employed sophisticated farming methods, such as chinampas, or artificial floating gardens. Mud was layered into rafts to produce these rich stretches of land, which offered effective and profitable cropland to sustain an expanding population.  In order to tackle the preservation of food in a subtropical environment, the Aztecs invented techniques including smoking and sun-drying. In order to guarantee a steady supply of food during times of starvation, they additionally constructed enormous granaries to store extra crops. 

The artists of Aztec civilization were extremely talented, producing elaborate pieces in a range of media, including penwork, sculpture, and ceramics. Craftsmanship was often inherited from families, and several crafts were specialized guilds. 

The culture of the Aztecs revolved on religion. The sun and the battle deity his name were two of the most revered gods in their religion.  To please the deities and preserve cosmic a state of equilibrium complex rites and ceremonies were carried out, involving the offering of human sacrifices.  Aztec burial customs vary; nobles may be interred with valuable possessions, while commoners were frequently buried in plain graves. It was provided for sacrificed victims—often captives of war—to go to the afterlife with departed monarchs. 

The Templo Mayor is one of the amazing structures the Aztecs built in the center of Tenochtitlan. This series of pyramids showcases the architectural and technical prowess of the Aztecs and is dedicated to several gods.  An influential monarch with both religious and political power led the Aztec Empire. The provinces that made up the kingdom were each headed by regional leaders chosen by the federal authority. The riches and strength of an empire were impacted by tribute paid to conquered lands.  

The Aztecs have come to be considered a highly developed civilization that made strides in a variety of spheres, including agriculture, urban planning, religion, and monumental architecture.


Edited by Chloe Mansola

Image:"The Aztec Calendar" by World History Encyclopedia  licensed by  CC BY 4.0 DEED