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A person snorting lines of cocaine might not be a “druggie” and is probably just in need for therapy.

The truth is that a therapist cannot make a sociopath become a saint or shatter a narcissists ego. Although it is theoretically feasible, doing so would entail significant adjustments to the biology of the brain. For instance, by changing the brain receptors for the hormone oxytocin, researchers were able to convert polygynous mountain voles to monogamy.


A trait does not necessarily have to be genetically inherited, or even present at birth, to be deep. If a person ever felt nauseated by eating porridge as a child, the chances are that they might skip the oatmeal when you go out for breakfast decades later. 


In certain individuals food aversions are strong, and a single encounter can influence how a person interacts with certain meals. These patterns can develop in an individual simply after one unpleasant meal, according to research done on rats. 


Because very unpleasant experiences bring about immediate threats to one's survival, people are more fundamentally affected by them than by highly enjoyable ones. This is one of the strange aspects of personality transformation


Fear is a strong motivator for humans. Animal behaviourists discovered this phenomenon more than 50 years ago in research that is now morally debatable.


In order to avoid the shuttle box, a dog was able to figure out that a light on one side of the device meant that the floor would become uncomfortably electrified in 10 seconds. The subjects quickly figured out how to jump over a small obstruction to get to the cage's safe side, ending their exposure to shocks. 


This avoidance activity was simple for dogs to grasp. As time went on, psychologists started to worry when they might forget it. They conducted the experiment as before but disconnected the shock generator to find out. 


The dogs continued to jump as they had done when there was a chance of shock, much to their surprise. According to reports, the experts lost interest after about 8,000 experiments with no results.


One significant factor contributing to psychological issues is fear of physical damage. The less evident but maybe just as significant fear of social rejection might affect how a person sees themselves in society. 


Several pieces of research indicate that scolding and corporal punishment make kids more aggressive and antisocial. It's interesting to note that while the same stress hormones mediate all negative events, their effects on the brain are identical. 


Such impacts include changes to the structure and operation of the brain. They include early sexuality, criminality, poor impulse control, and intellectual immaturity.


It seems that having a difficult childhood predisposes people to focus on their own immediate benefits regardless of the repercussions, blurring the distinction between wise and foolish choices. 


Trauma victims frequently feel alone and defenceless. In an effort to blend in, they work hard and sometimes make bad decisions. 


People who exhibit high-risk behaviours frequently also feel the urge to fit in with society. They experience intense loneliness as a result of the horrific event that they haven't yet been able to comprehend.


The sensation of "aloneness" can last for a lifetime and is the exact opposite of what people require to achieve security and mental wellness. 


People who feel abandoned by society may disconnect from reality and act in ways that could harm them or other people. 


It is understandable that someone who is overcome with feelings of guilt, dread, worry, and anxiety would seek a place to turn for solace. Alcohol use, risky sexual behaviour, gambling, drug use, and obsessive buying are all temporary ways to find solace.


Traumatized individuals frequently experience enormous emptiness and an unquenchable need for comfort or fulfilment. Substances or behaviours that make them even more vulnerable can provide them with quick relief. 


There is a two-way street between substance misuse and trauma. Drug abuse raises the possibility of re-traumatization by participating in high-risk behaviour, and drug abuse increases the risk of developing substance abuse. 


It is also true that those who abuse alcohol or drugs have a harder time handling traumatic circumstances. 


Unusually high percentages of childhood trauma are consistently seen in studies of drug addicts. The study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) provides convincing proof:


• The likelihood of early substance misuse initiation increases by two to four times for each hardship identified. 


• Substance abuse is seven to ten times more likely to develop in subjects with five or more ACEs. 


• Almost two thirds of IV drug users mention traumatic and abusive childhood experiences. 


• According to an ACEs study, people who have had three or more traumatic childhood experiences have greater rates of alcohol and drug abuse as well as depression, domestic violence, sexually transmitted illnesses, and heart disease. 


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that:


• Both men and women receiving treatment for substance misuse reveal histories of abuse and trauma in 75% of cases. 


• 97 percent of mentally ill homeless women report being severely physically or sexually abused. 


• PTSD affects 12-34 percent of people receiving substance misuse therapy. 


• Approximately one-third of those who experience trauma acquire PTSD. Men report more traumatic incidents, but women are more likely to experience PTSD. 


Anandita Chitnis, who is pursuing an MA in clinical psychology, found throughout her research that "self-accusations, anger, phobias, and excessive indulgence in alcohol or tranquillizers" are all common.


Due to the significant link between addiction and trauma, programmes must now more than ever provide their clients with a more thorough process. Addiction and trauma must be addressed as co-occurring conditions that are interconnected. 


There is no benefit to sobriety for people unless it helps them deal with their anxiety, shame, fear, and loneliness. People who have experienced trauma and use drugs or alcohol don't do so because it's enjoyable or makes them joyful. They turn to drugs and alcohol to escape an excruciating internal experience temporarily. 


In these situations, relational methods of healing and rehabilitation outperform the medical model, which blithely treats addiction as an illness.


The person frequently corners the demise of the relationship that resulted in the initial trauma. Consequently, having a good relationship must be a component of the answer. 


Recovery is less about abstinence and more about forgiving others, accepting yourself as you are, and finding safety in relationships. 


Foster and adoptive parents can help children heal from trauma and resist the allure of drugs and alcohol by empathising with and supporting biological parents who are battling addiction. Spending money on relationships has a much longer lasting impact than any addiction education programme alone.


In conclusion, it may be said that this high-risk, high-reward demographic has high rates of lifetime substance dependence. 


The amount of substance addiction, especially cocaine usage, is closely related to the amount of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse experienced as a kid as well as current PTSD symptoms. 


These findings imply that a greater knowledge of the relationship between trauma and substance abuse is essential for better understanding the mechanisms underlying substance addiction as well as for preventing it and treating it more effectively. 


The road to recovery from addiction is surely difficult but with the correct support and a bit of hard work the journey becomes simpler. If you know someone who is exhibiting addictive behaviour, you can support them by linking them to various healing and recovery programmes.


Important support groups for recovery.


-       Alcoholics anonymous.

-       Narcotics anonymous.

-       12- step self-help.






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