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Covid-19 Vaccines for Children


      The Covid-19 vaccine for children argument has been a very controversial topic. While some people feel that children under the age of five should not be vaccinated. There are other people, such asparents, who do feel that underage children should be vaccinated. Why do we feel or have mixed reactions or emotions about vaccinating children? Maybe people feel that children are incapable of making important decisions, so there should be parents to make decisions for them regarding Covid-19 vaccines.

    The FDA approved the Pfizer application to be given to children. This will be given to children under six months to age five. This is a good idea because now, underage children will have a lower risk of getting Covid-19. According to WebMD, Moderna claims the vaccine is "51% effective infections with symptoms for children ages six months to 2 years and 37% effective for ages 2 to 5". CBS News Stated that in a CDC Survey, "around a third of parents say they plan to get their child vaccinated." This will give underage children the opportunity to be protected against the Covid-19 virus and do not have to be at risk of getting Covid-19.

    Covid-19 vaccines also available internationally. Canadian parents are ready for their under age children to be vaccinated. health testing will be available and will be doing some testing in the future. According to a representative for The Health Canada, "the department goes through the review process and priorities it because of the significance of these vaccinations for Canadian families." Because of non-vaccinations, families could not attend any of their children's events, such as school plays or PTA meetings, due to the children not being vaccinated. This will allow parents to go to their children's events and protect them from the Covid-19 virus.

    As you can see, more parents approve of their children getting vaccinated. Covid-19 is a very deadly virus that should not be taken lightly. Underage, children can get Covid-19 and therefore have a right to be vaccinated. Children need to be safe. Yes, there can be vaccine risk factors such as vomiting, headaches, etc., but there is a greater risk of children not being vaccinated, such as getting ill or possibly even death. Don't you think our children should be safe than be sorry? Our children have the right to be healthy and not at risk. Some people feel that underage children are too young to be vaccinated but look at this from your perspective. What if your child catches Covid-19? Wouldn't you want your child to be vaccinated? If you do not want your child to be at risk of Covid-19, you should not want other children to be at risk. This is not about the adults or parents, or society in general. This is about protecting the safety of your children and other children. Children have a right to be safe; if you are a concerned person or parent, safety should be mandatory and not an option.




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