In a bid to bolster safety regulations and ensure the utmost quality of infant formula, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning letters to three major infant formula manufacturers. This move comes as part of the FDA's ongoing commitment to strengthen regulatory oversight within the industry and ensure the production of infant formula under the safest possible conditions.


The recipients of the warning letters include ByHeart Inc., Mead Johnson Nutrition (Reckitt), and Perrigo Wisconsin, LLC. The FDA's actions are based on recent inspections of these facilities, revealing violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) as well as the FDA's own Infant Formula regulations.


The FDA has clarified that it is not recommending parents and caregivers to discard or avoid purchasing specific infant formula products at this time. The agency's investigations have not substantiated any instances of confirmed contamination among distributed products. Consequently, recalls initiated by the manufacturers, which took place in December 2022, February 2023, and March 2023, have effectively removed potentially contaminated batches from the market.


It's important to note that these warning letters are not indicative of ongoing recalls, and the FDA does not foresee any disruption in the availability of infant formula on the market.


The FDA's issuance of these warning letters serves to underscore the significance of swiftly implementing corrective actions in response to pathogen detection, in line with FDA regulations. Manufacturers are now mandated to conduct thorough root cause investigations, undertake cleaning and sanitation measures, and critically assessing their cleaning and sanitation practices before approving products for release. The manufacturers have a 15-working-day window to respond to the FDA, detailing the corrective measures they intend to take. The FDA's assessment of the adequacy of these actions will be conducted during their review of the manufacturers' responses and subsequent facility inspections.


This strategic move by the FDA aims to continuously enhance the safety of infant formula manufacturing practices, instilling confidence in parents and caregivers that the formula they choose is both safe and nutritious for their children.


This initiative is part of a broader FDA effort to fortify the safety and resilience of the infant formula supply in the United States. Collaborative efforts with the Congress to bolster regulatory tools and funding, support for epidemiological initiatives, and the establishment of dedicated teams for infant formula investigation and regulatory oversight all fall under the FDA's umbrella strategy.


The FDA reassures consumers that the infant formula supply in the U.S. remains robust, with in-stock rates consistently at 85% or higher since the beginning of 2023. This positive outcome is attributed to a series of actions taken by the FDA and its government partners, outlined in the FDA's comprehensive National Strategy to Increase the Resilience of the Infant Formula Market.


For parents and caregivers, the FDA recommends strict adherence to manufacturer instructions when preparing powdered infant formula. For infants under two months old, preemies, or those with weakened immune systems, the CDC suggests the use of ready-to-feed liquid infant formula whenever possible, as it is sterile and the safest option. In cases where powdered formula is used, caregivers can take additional steps to ensure safety.


The FDA's commitment to regulatory oversight and engagement with the infant formula industry will persist, including annual facility inspections, ongoing dialogue with manufacturers, and continued research and prevention efforts. This concerted effort falls within the FDA's broader vision of strengthening the Human Foods Program, prompted by evaluations and recommendations from external sources.




U.S. Food and Drug Administration