Resetting your body after the holidays might seem difficult after all these great meals. One big meal will not toll away all your fitness progress, but it is necessary to be equipped with tricks and tools to not fall down the holiday food and drink rabbit hole. Here are some prior and post-Thanksgiving tips that will help you if you have overindulged during the joyous holiday season.


According to Despina Hyde, a registered dietician, starting the day with an excursion, you would be shedding some calories before sitting down for the huge dinner. A brisk walk, run or gym exercise are some options to start the day right. Hyde also advises avoiding wearing comfortable clothing such as sweatpants or leggings to the Thanksgiving table. Wearing formal clothes will act as a reminder to not overindulge. Also, any cravings will go away by popping a piece of gum.


Keeping your meal balanced as well as hydrating is key, especially, if alcohol is at the table. This will keep away dehydration that causes hangovers. Water will also move sugar and fat out of your system more efficiently. To help with digestion, herbal or caffeine-free tea will help – and you should opt for peppermint tea.


After being sufficiently stuffed, do not linger around the table, get up, walk around, and help with some cleaning. If you are diabetic, the movement will bring down your blood sugar.


But what about the day after?

After a big meal, fluid shifts and water retention can happen, so do not wake up and go directly to check the scale as that number probably is not accurate. Instead make yourself a protein and fiber-rich breakfast, such as eggs, yogurt, and vegetables. This paired with low-calorie meals and snacks for the following days will maintain blood sugar. Prioritize vegetables and go for lean meals and whole grains.


Get rid of leftovers if you know you will succumb to them. Give them to your family, friends, or the less fortunate. Another option is to not fill your plate the next day with another round of thanksgiving meals, instead pack them into single-serve meals and place them in the freezer.


Besides keeping you active and rejuvenated, movement treats your body well and you will feel less stressed leading up to an enjoyable mood.


To conclude there is no need to feel guilty after a big meal. Do not feel bummed out and discouraged, you got this! Acknowledge that you have gone overboard, and you will be right back on track! Go for the plan that works for you or stick to old healthy habits.