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Is It Necessary To Rest To Maintain My Mental Health?

We often wonder how much we should sleep or rest to maintain our mental health, and probably you have said "I slept, but I did not rest". That usually happens when our minds are constantly active due to the emotion of something or, on the contrary, some concern that does not leave us alone.

On the other hand, the role of insomnia comes into play, which is nothing more than the inability to sleep during rest hours, making it impossible to relax the body and mind. Insomnia is currently an important factor in the appearance of depression, and in this way, we have answered ourselves: it is necessary to rest to maintain our mental health.

There is a deep bidirectional relationship between sleep and mental health because the relaxation of the body for a few hours is essential to be able to put it back on track, with the vigor and strength which we face day by day.

We often hear, or say, that with so many things to do during that we need extra hours per day. True, do those extra hours but don't sacrifice your sleep for it, much less replace it with thoughts that may not get anywhere.

A couple of days ago, Dr. Diego García, coordinator of the Spanish Sleep Society indicated that:

"On the one hand, practically all mental disorders are associated with a higher frequency of insomnia, and on the other, insomnia is an important risk factor for some mental disorders, especially clinical depression."

If you are going through something similar, see a specialist who can help you with your case.

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