Amended blood donation criteria have been announced in Switzerland making both heterosexual and homosexual individuals eligible to give blood.


Gabriel Delabays, a member of the communal council in representation of the Swiss Liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) said “I’m moved that we made it, especially after such a long battle” highlighting the modern progress the country is now making.


Now more gay and bisexual men can donate blood in Switzerland after the country introduced individual donor assessment, provided they meet all eligibility criteria.


Public Response:


LGBTQ+ rights organisations exclaim their gratitude towards the restrictions being fully lifted in Switzerland. Gaé Colussi, Pink Cross spokesperson, told reporters that “the main feeling we have is ‘finally’. Finally, we can take part in society this way”.


On social media platforms, like X, individuals spread their weariness towards the lifting of restrictions. One stated that they “wouldn’t accept it” due to the “many diseases, deadly viruses, and unknown risks now”.


Others have announced their acceptance of the advancement by stating that “it doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight” replying to those who are worried about the diseases the blood may carry by saying “straight people carry risks too”.


Future Steps:


Delabays continues to say that will the opportunity to give blood with no restrictions is “a really small gesture that can save someone” pledging he will be visiting the blood transfusion centre consistently.


Other EU countries are following in the same footsteps as Switzerland including Estonia and Belgium who have shortened their deferral period for blood transfusions, becoming trendsetters for other nations aspiring to do the same.


ILGA Europe, hold the initial aim to produce equality and social justice within the LGBTI community says we are “one step closer to breaking free from discrimination and stigma” and they will “continue working” on restrictions surrounding blood donation from homosexual men.