Over the past few months, Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has been in some hot-water situations. Not only has he been recorded praising Hitler, demonizing Jewish people, and fluffing up rumors of an underground Cabal of the rich and powerful who are running the show. He has gotten into heaps of trouble financially as well throughout the week.

The State of California says that his clothing brand, Yeezy, owes them 600,000 dollars in unpaid tax debt, a new article from NBC shows. The company has allegedly racked up six-figure debts, which grows the mountain of trouble Mr. West accrued throughout the past few months. USC Gould School of Law Professor Edward McCaffery said, “That’s certainly a sign of either extreme incompetence or extreme cash problems.” This revelation, released on December 7, could put Mr. West into financial ruin. On the Tim Pool Podcast, Ye recently revealed that his bank had frozen four accounts under his name before the interview, and he owed 50 million dollars in taxes to various sources. That comes on top of the revelation that his frozen accounts accrued 75 million dollars that he can not use to pay his 50 million in debt. 


Kanye West and Alex Jones, host of Info Wars


On December 8, Mr. West was served another lawsuit. This time from a Brooklyn-based Creative Director. The director and freelance photographer hit him with another $100,000 suit. This suit comes before the $600,000 lawsuit filed Wednesday. The individual is allegedly asking for $100,000 in payment because she “was fully responsible for every aspect of the photo shoot, including, but not limited to, hiring models, reserving studio space, procuring lights, catering, pre-production, and post-production.” The freelancer said she sent out an invoice which Yeezy responded by saying, "they had to wait for the man in charge (Kanye) to say something. Then they could send it over." Weeks passed until she got paid only a fraction of her asking price, receiving $15,000 of the $110,000 she was due and reportedly “maxed out her credit cards and took out loans…just to pay her rent.” according to an article from Fortune


Kanye West wearing his brand of sunglasses he’s getting sued over


Over the past two months, Kanye has been on a rampage spouting anti-semitic, homophobic, and racist remarks all over the internet. He has been on multiple Podcasts, such as the infamous right-wing talk show Info Wars, saying he likes Hitler. Alex Jones, the host of Info Wars, was taken aback by Ye, who was spouting so much vitriol that even Alex Jones had to take a step back, trying to curb his racist rants. His problems have not stopped since the Alex Jones interview. He has recently gotten in more hot water with the government, which has issued tax liens against him, which means the government has issued a claim against his properties after Kanye neglected to pay his debts. He continues to say untrue things and refuses to check himself. His Public Relations team has tried multiple times to get him to curb his remarks but to no avail. If he keeps up his act as it seems he will, he will fail. He will consequently tumble off the hill that he refuses to die on. 

With the walls closing in, this isn't the end of his troubles. It seems every day, more stories are coming out about him sinking further and further into the pit he’s digging for himself. He recently released a song all about his 'cancellation' called “Someday We’ll All be Free” where he name-drops his recent tweet at the end of the chorus, “Tweeted Deathcon, Now We Past Three.” 

That tweet seemingly marked the beginning of the end for him, he subsequently was banned on Instagram and Twitter, and he is now back on Instagram after a short hiatus. He lost his brand deal with Adidas, failed to create a partnership with Sketchers, and upon losing the deal, Ye lost $1 billion in net worth. The irony is that he has been at the mercy of his design. He lost this deal because he tried taunting the brand. Saying he “could be as anti-Semitic as [I] want, and they still won't drop me.”

He has since blundered into many shortcomings and will continue to do so, as seen by the steady stream of news coming out daily. The question remains, will Kanye ever dig himself out of the hole he is creating for himself? What form will that take? His fans on his subreddit r/Kanye are even turning on him with posts calling for his subreddit to turn into a Holocaust Remembrance sub or a Taylor Swift subreddit. His fans, corporations, sponsorships, friends, and family are turning their back on Kanye. Where will he go now? A steady stream of Kanye news and a complete nosedive of his career will leave him with nothing to go off of.