We all welcomed 2022 and raised our hands in hope that this year we can live as normally as we did before 2020. But not all dreams come true. Unfortunately, 2022 showed some dangers to the world worse than COVID-19. The Ukraine-Russia war and its consequences could be fatal to our economy, our health, and even our existence. With the escalation of war and tension between the two countries, the possibility of ​​nuclear war emerges in people's minds. Could this be a nuclear war? What if a nuclear weapon is used? What can we do to bypass a massive nuclear explosion? Are there any safe places that can protect us from such devastating waves?

As a matter of fact, some areas of the world can be safe in these mishaps, and their safety may be due to their geographical nature, their location, or perhaps their political neutrality.



It may be the most remote place on Earth, but it is safe, and its distant location from other countries makes the region safe to live in in the event of a nuclear disaster. People may hardly imagine living in these extremely cold conditions, but if one sought safety, one would have to adapt to living, about a couple of years there away from this noisy martial world.



From its name, people can make a guess about its cold conditions. In fact, the country has about 11% of its area covered by glaciers, and its weather is sub-zero, especially during winter. But it is no match for Antarctica. The isolated island can be one of the safest places on earth so that you can feel safe and enjoy the eco-friendly conditions of the country. Actually, Iceland has been ranked among the top destinations where travelers tend to spend their holidays.


New Zealand

For people who love warm weather and enjoy the sun's rays on their skin, New Zealand might be the choice. The country has a distinctive agricultural character that provides its residents with comfort, purity, and safety. Its geographical location is far to the north where most of the nuclear energy is located. 30% of the country is believed to be a national reserve. Speaking of food supply, livestock is one of the major industries in the country. Everyone has at least ten sheep. So, you don't have to worry about running out of food there.


South Africa

Likewise in New Zealand, South Africa has warm weather, beautiful natural hills, and green landscapes. Besides its remote location, the country is politically neutral. The rainbow country - so named because of its different cultural mix - has almost no enemies and a friendly political attitude towards all countries. Because of its diversity, one can easily adapt to the conditions of South Africa. Moreover, it is the country of Nelson Mandela, a messenger of peace and reconciliation.



What if you can't travel but also need a place to hide? People can go underground, and a plethora of people prefer this solution because it keeps them close to their homes. In fact, the underground can be an excellent nuclear dust shelter, but people should take into account some necessities. As the water can be polluted, they should pack themselves with the necessary supplies to avoid such emergencies. Like the apocalypse movies, people can pass through their secret underground lairs until the nuclear residue recedes from the atmosphere.


We all pray that these circumstances are imaginary and not in our real-life because nuclear weapons can threaten our very existence on planet Earth and may cause unimaginable scenarios. We must believe in a just and peaceful where all people can live in harmony. However, if someone irrationally presses that button, you better pack your bags and be ready for the next step, because who knows?