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The Fraudulent Life Of George Santos


Richard F Watts III

November 20, 2023



George Santos assumed his role in the House of Representatives in 2023. Since then he has been the subject of several investigations into his background. What was uncovered in these investigations revealed many inconsistencies. Santos never even attended Baruch College, let alone lead them to a Volleyball championship. His mother did not perish during the horrific events of September 11, 2001. His grandparents did not flee Adolf Hitler and the Natzi Regime. Santos doesn’t even have Jewish ancestry. The investigation also brought to light an incident in Brazil. Santos was accused of stealing the checkbook of his mother’s business associate. He was also employed by Harbor City, a company investigated for their orchestration of a ponzi scheme. His record of shady wrongdoings followed him into the House of Representatives and his election campaign according to an investigation by the House of Representatives Ethics Committee. Santos has been accused of misusing his campaign funds to support a lucrative lifestyle.

To use campaign funds for any purpose other than the pursuit of public office is illegal. That didn’t seem to bother George Santos as he used his campaign funds to take vacations, gamble in Atlantic City, relax at the spa, pay his rent, and spend thousands at luxury brands. As a man who calls his life the “American Dream”, Santos seems to have a twisted perception of what that entails. According to NBC News, "Representative Santos was frequently in debt, had an abysmal credit score, and relied on an ever-growing wallet of high-interest credit cards to fund his luxury spending habits. He occasionally deposited large amounts of cash that he has never accounted for, moved money between his various bank accounts in a highly suspicious manner, and made over $240,000 cash withdrawals for unknown purposes,” the report by the panel's Investigative Subcommittee, ISC, found.

Santos took to X to claim that the ISC’s findings were false and all part of a “smear” campaign against himself and his legal team due to Santos' uncooperation during the investigation. While the ISC can not verify that these expenses were not used for the campaign most can assume a Hermes bag wasn’t vital in Santos’ pursuit of a seat in the House of Representatives. With Santos’ disturbing track record in mind, one can assume these transactions were not orchestrated in good faith. As the House of Representatives moves closer to Santos’ expulsion, he claimed he will not seek reelection next year.