It is estimated that there are millions of victims though only 50-100,000 cases are found each year. Reports mention that trafficking occurs at a slightly higher rate for girls than boys, with 55.5% of all trafficked victims in South Africa being female and 44.5% being male. 


Lately, social media has become a place where we say and do things we would never do in public. We hide behind a face and know we will never be seen or tracked. South Africa is not as safe as it used to be. We go to school and work hard for our degrees, only for most outsiders to take advantage of us when all we want is financial stability and to make a name for ourselves. 


The COVID-19 pandemic and South Africa’s numerous lockdowns have seen many production houses retrench staff, shut down TV show productions and cut salaries in half. This brings desperation to job seekers and human traffickers.


How Social Media helps with the process of human trafficking


- Polaris has mentioned that the internet has dramatically reshaped how we buy and sell everything – including each other.


- Lately, Social media has been used by traffickers to recruit victims to increase their trafficking operations and to control victims by restricting their social media access, impersonating the victim, or spreading lies and rumours online.


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 However, survivors are embracing social media as a way to reach out for help or to build a support network that allows them to engage with each other, build a community, and work as survivor leaders. 


- Human Traffickers have found a way to get to us in our comfort zones through these platforms.


A Roadmap for Systems and Industries to Prevent and Disrupt Human Trafficking:


- Human traffickers exploit legitimate systems within multiple business sectors for their profits.


- From traffickers who use banks to store their earnings and buses to move their victims around to the hotel rooms that are integral to the operations of some sex traffickers and the social media that are vital recruitment tools. This report highlights how industries can make fundamental shifts to their systems to prevent, detect, and disrupt human trafficking. 


Nobody is safe; these traffickers do not only target women but men as well.


Ways to help prevent human trafficking:


 - Learn how to spot the signs of sexual exploitation

 - Do not easily trust anyone

 - Read a book on human trafficking prevention

 - Share a missing person’s poster

 - Subscribe to a podcast or Youtube channel focused on trafficking prevention


For more information visit


During and before COVID-19 restrictions, social media has been used to help network and find jobs, as things are not the same anymore. Online boutiques sell their clothes on Twitter and Instagram. Make-up artists advertise on social media, making them easier targets.


What are the five causes of human trafficking?


- Cases of human trafficking are difficult to identify 

- Women and children are targets 

- Human trafficking generates a massive profit.


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How can you protect yourself from being trafficked


 - Always let someone know about your whereabouts

 - Trust your judgment.

 - If possible, set up a safety word with a trusted friend/relative.


Where do traffickers look for victims?


- Polaris Project February issue mentions that bus stations, homeless shelters, and local malls are places where traffickers notice that people are vulnerable and take advantage of them right there.


- Social media has also provided easy ways to target people and make a convenient way to find and groom their victims.


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Ways you can help end trafficking:


- Think before you shop: especially on online boutiques. I would advice that you do your research. I usually go to Twitter, type their name and see what comes up. Remember, your life can be in danger because you are sharing your information for delivery purposes. So, be careful.


- Stay informed about your surroundings: know the dangerous places and the safe places as well as the measures to consider when not safe.


 - Report a Tip: if you see any crime, report it. I know most people are afraid of losing their lives in such cases. Go to a safe place and make the necessary call and save someone’s life like you would want the same with your life.


For more information, visit


What is the government doing to stop Human Trafficking?


- South African law enforcement agencies increased efforts to investigate, prosecute and convict traffickers, including within organised criminal syndicates that facilitated the crime.


 - The Government of South Africa does not fully meet the minimum standards for trafficking elimination but is making significant efforts. 


- South Africa demonstrates overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period; therefore, South Africa upgraded to Tier. 


- These efforts include increased investigations, prosecutions, and convictions of traffickers. Therefore, including organised criminal syndicates that facilitated the crime.


On Twitter, Mickey Van Peebles mentions that just like rapists, sex offenders, human traffickers, illegal foreigners, scammers, and drug dealers are all comfortable in South Africa.


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JAMES took to Twitter with a video saying that Nigerian traffickers and drug dealers told Lindiwe Sisulu that they have a right to sell drugs in South Africa and that she must fire Bonginkosi Mkongi. Lindiwe then asked Bheki Cele to fire him.


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James Hall on Twitter says that 70 women being trafficked in South Africa were released from potential sex slavery as cops arrested 4 Chinese and 1 Swazi human trafficker.


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Visit this link for more about human trafficking: