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Walk. Don’t Ride.


Richard Watts

November 25, 2023

Imagine going for a bicycle ride through town. While getting a great workout, you also observe the sights and sounds of your neighborhood or maybe take in a new place during a trip. This all sounds very nice and relaxing until you come to a crosswalk. As you attempt to cross the road, a driver fails to yield and hits you. Under State Law in many states, this unfortunate accident will not come with repercussions for the driver. But how?

This unfortunate situation happened to Roxana “Roxy” Fudge as she was riding her bike with her husband in Tucson, Arizona in March 2022. The Iowa residents decided to take in their new surroundings with a harmless bike ride. Roxy was struck by a pickup truck as she attempted to cross the street. She spent two months in the ICU until her unfortunate passing due to complications from injuries sustained during the collision. Miraculously, the driver who hit Roxy never received a conviction. Roxy was not protected under Arizona State Law and was technically illegally using the crosswalk.

  In Arizona as well as others, a “pedestrian” is protected in a crosswalk and drivers must yield to them. A pedestrian is defined as a person on foot hence why there was no conviction in the case of Roxy Fudge. The same can apply to people who are wheelchair-bound. During a time when pedestrians are being hit by moving vehicles at an all-time high, should U.S. lawmakers and State officials reconsider crosswalk laws?

Oregon is one of very few states that provides protection for cyclists. Under Oregon Law, a “pedestrian” includes a person riding a bicycle, Just as long as that person is riding at “walking speed.” In Minnesota and Wisconsin, pedestrians are generalized as anyone regardless of the method used to cross the street. Why don’t other states offer the same protection? People are being seriously injured or even killed by vehicles yet, those responsible may face no consequences due to murky wording by state law. When the United States leaves laws up for interpretation in such a matter as this, it makes sense why an average of 20 people are killed by vehicles a day. Hopefully, states will soon begin realizing that there are solutions to these problems and make the proper adjustments to protect everyone, and not just people traveling, "on foot."