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AI Threatens Journalists To Lose Their Jobs

  Photo: courtesy st-tech.blog


Journalists are facing an uncertain future as the advances of artificial intelligence (AI) become more prominent in news production.[1]  AI has already had an impact on the traditional roles that journalists fill and could eventually lead to additional job losses in the industry.


When it comes to AI’s role in newsrooms, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. News organizations have integrated AI into their production period in various ways because of its multiple uses ranging from writing, editing, and all forms of reporting.


For example, some publications have begun using AI to write stories about sports, finance, and business news that were once the realm of human reporters. The use of AI is so attractive to publication studios because it allows them to produce more stories with less money and in faster periods.


While AI-generated stories are quick content and easy money, they are less accurate and rudderless compared to articles written by humans, raising questions about their reliability and journalistic integrity.

Despite this, AI’s impact on journalism is expected to increase in the coming years, with some estimates [4] predicting that up to 40% of all stories will be written by AI by 2030.


The increase in AI usage raises the question of whether or not journalists will be able to compete with AI in the newsroom, or if they will eventually be replaced by machines. On one side, it’s possible that AI will not fully replace journalists, but rather augment their work and allow for more efficient and accurate news production. This could include using AI to help gather data, identify patterns, and craft more targeted stories.

Contrary to the positive outlook on the importance of a journalist role, some believe AI will eventually do away with the need for human reporters and that newsrooms will be populated solely by robots.


Ultimately, it is likely that AI will cause a shift in how journalism is done, as well as how journalists are employed. While it is hard to predict the exact impacts of AI on the industry, it is clear that changes are coming and that journalists will need to prepare to face a new reality.


As technology continues to advance, newsrooms will need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of automation, while also considering its impact on the livelihood of human reporters. Ultimately, news organizations must be proactive in their approach to AI integration and ensure that any changes made are in the best interest of professional journalists and their audiences.


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