Are assertiveness and aggression the only necessities of being a strong leader?


Assertiveness and aggression are often considered vital qualities for a leader to govern a nation effectively. However, some argue that a ruler should keep softness and compassion to be an effective leader. While assertiveness is the ability to express one's opinions, beliefs, and desires openly and honestly, aggression is a more aggressive and sometimes hostile behavior. And both traits have their place in leadership; they must be used in moderation and with caution to be effective.


Recently, Jacinda Arden announced her decision to step down from being the Prime Minister of New Zealand, and this started a wave of all sorts of reactions all over the world. Her determination, due to her reasons saying she does not have “left in the tank anymore” to lead her nation, has been applauded by many, as only a handful of leaders possess this awareness. Her leadership was often questioned because of her being soft and weak and not being assertive and aggressive enough. Indeed all these questions were from leaders who themselves are bold and proactive in their approach to governing a nation. Does the question remain whether only these two aspects represent strong leadership?


These qualities allow a ruler to make quick and decisive decisions and take action to protect the nation and its people. Assertiveness will enable leaders to stand up for what they believe in and to make decisions that are in the best interests of the team or organization.


However, assertiveness can quickly turn into aggression when not adequately managed. In times of crisis, a leader who is assertive and aggressive may be best equipped to take the necessary steps to mitigate the situation and keep the nation safe. However, aggression is often seen as a negative trait and can harm relationships, damage a leader's reputation, and create a hostile work environment. It is essential for leaders to understand the difference between assertiveness and aggression and to use their assertiveness skills constructively.


On the other hand, some argue that softness and compassion are equally important for a ruler to possess. A leader who can empathize with the citizens of their nation and understand their needs may be better equipped to make decisions that genuinely benefit the people. Furthermore, a compassionate ruler may be better able to build trust with their citizens and foster a sense of unity within the nation.


Ultimately, both assertiveness and aggression, as well as softness and compassion, can be essential qualities for a ruler to possess. Each trait has its unique benefits and drawbacks, and a leader who can balance these qualities may be best equipped to lead their nation effectively. In the end, it is not about the leader being one thing or the other but about using the right approach in the right situation. A leader who can be both assertive and compassionate, aggressive and empathetic, will be able to navigate the complex and diverse challenges of leading a nation.


Leaders must also be aware of the impact their behavior has on others. While assertiveness can be a valuable tool in achieving their goals, it is essential that leaders also listen to the opinions and concerns of others and be willing to compromise. This can help to create a positive and supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and heard.


They are being assertive and aggressive are not the only characteristics of being strong. Strength can also refer to qualities such as resilience, determination, and the ability to handle difficult situations. Being assertive means communicating one's needs and wants, while being aggressive means imposing one's requirements and wants onto others without regard for their feelings or needs. A balance of assertiveness and empathy is often seen as a healthier approach.


Being assertive can also refer to having emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion, communicating effectively, and forming healthy relationships.


In conclusion, assertiveness and aggression both have their place in leadership. However, it is essential for leaders to understand the difference between the two and to use their assertiveness skills constructively. By being mindful of the impact, their behavior has on others and by being open to compromise, leaders can effectively balance assertiveness and aggression to achieve their goals while also creating a positive and supportive work environment.