In recent years, a global surge of populism has propelled leaders like Matteo Salvini in Italy and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines into power, each claiming to champion the common people. This phenomenon, rooted in tapping into economic insecurities and perceived social injustices, has created an unsettling alliance with xenophobic right-wing rhetoric. Exploiting widespread discontent, populist leaders present themselves as anti-establishment figures, promising to restore a perceived lost order amid rapid change and uncertainty.

This rise of populism is accompanied by a discernible uptick in xenophobic right-wing rhetoric, marked by the vilification of immigrants, rejection of international cooperation, and the cultivation of nationalist fervour. Populist leaders construct a narrative that divides society into 'us'—the virtuous, native populace—and 'them'—the threatening, external forces—creating an environment conducive to the flourishing of xenophobic ideologies.

In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán advocates for populist policies intertwined with xenophobic rhetoric, implementing a controversial anti-immigration agenda. Similarly, in Brazil, former President Jair Bolsonaro's populist ascent embraced right-wing nationalism, targeting minority groups and indigenous communities. These cases illustrate the deliberate strategy employed by leaders to consolidate power and reshape societal narratives, exemplifying the intricate dance between populism and xenophobic right-wing ideologies on a global stage.

Jair Bolsonaro and Viktor Orbán

Populism and Its Appeal: Untangling the Dynamics

Populist movements thrive by amplifying economic insecurities and perceived social injustices, crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with a disillusioned public. In the case of Brexit, Nigel Farage adeptly channeled public discontent by addressing economic disparities and immigration concerns. The populist narrative portrayed the EU as an out-of-touch elite exacerbating economic challenges, while also framing immigration as a threat to national identity and job opportunities. This emotionally charged message struck a chord, significantly contributing to the success of the Brexit campaign. Similarly, in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump's populist appeal centred on positioning himself as an outsider challenging a corrupt political elite. His promises to rejuvenate the manufacturing sector and address economic anxieties resonated with communities left behind by globalisation. Trump's tough stance on immigration further appealed to those perceiving it as a threat to job security and cultural identity, playing a key role in his electoral victory.

Populist leaders successfully leverage a blend of economic grievances and cultural anxieties, presenting themselves as advocates for the marginalised. By tapping into collective frustration and promising a return to a perceived golden age, these leaders capture the imagination of a significant portion of the electorate. This nuanced understanding sheds light on the enduring appeal of populism in diverse political landscapes.

At the core of the populist playbook lies the calculated creation of an 'us versus them' narrative, a powerful tool that fosters collective identity by exploiting perceived external threats. This strategic approach is exemplified by leaders like Matteo Salvini in Italy and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, who adeptly use societal tensions to bolster their political agendas.

Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen

In Italy, Salvini, leader of the far-right Lega Nord party, positioned himself as the defender of Italian identity against supposed threats from migrants and the European Union. By framing these entities as endangering Italian culture and values, Salvini tapped into fears and uncertainties, solidifying his political standing and stoking xenophobic sentiments. Similarly, in the Philippines, Duterte's 'war on drugs' served as a rallying cry against internal 'others'—drug dealers and criminals. Despite international criticism for human rights abuses, Duterte's populist narrative resonated with those seeking a forceful response to societal challenges, effectively consolidating his power by casting himself as a protector against internal threats.

In both cases, the deliberate cultivation of an 'us versus them' dynamic is a strategic tool. These leaders consciously position themselves as defenders, using perceived external threats to unite supporters and marginalise adversaries. This manipulation not only secures political support but also shapes societal narratives, illustrating the intricate interplay between populism and xenophobic right-wing rhetoric on the global stage.

Populism, Xenophobia, and the Erosion of Democratic Values

Populist leaders often wield xenophobic rhetoric as a means of consolidating power. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán's government has implemented stringent anti-immigration measures, portraying immigrants as a threat to the country's cultural and national identity. This strategy has enabled him to centralise power and erode democratic institutions. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's populist appeal is underscored by a Hindu nationalist agenda. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), under Modi's leadership, has been criticised for promoting policies that marginalise religious and ethnic minorities.

Narendra Modi and Rodrigo Duterte

As the world becomes more interconnected, the paradoxical relationship between populism and globalisation becomes evident. Populist movements, which ostensibly champion the interests of the common people, often adopt isolationist and protectionist policies, undermining the very global structures that facilitate interconnectedness. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán has emerged as a staunch advocate for national sovereignty at the expense of international cooperation. This retreat from the principles of the European Union is accompanied by a narrative that portrays immigrants as a threat to Hungary's national identity and security. In the United States, Donald Trump's presidency showcased the globalisation paradox, pursuing an "America First" policy and withdrawing from international agreements. This isolationist stance contributed to a narrative that blamed external forces, particularly China, for domestic economic challenges.

In Europe, the rise of leaders like Viktor Orbán and Marine Le Pen exemplifies the intricate connection between populism and xenophobic right-wing rhetoric. Orbán's Hungary has implemented anti-immigrant policies while consolidating power domestically. Marine Le Pen, a prominent figure in French politics, has similarly capitalised on populist sentiments by intertwining them with anti-immigrant rhetoric.  Meanwhile, in Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been associated with a populist leadership style marked by a strongman approach and nationalist rhetoric. Erdoğan's political tenure has witnessed a consolidation of power, raising concerns about democratic backsliding. His populist appeal, intertwined with a nationalist agenda, has contributed to a divisive political climate. Policies critiqued for marginalising dissent and restricting press freedom exemplify the challenges posed by the combination of populism and erosion of democratic values in Turkey.

Andrzej Duda and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

In Poland, Andrzej Duda has emerged as a key figure embodying populist elements in his political approach. Duda's presidency has seen the implementation of policies aligning with populist strategies, including a focus on national identity and a strong stance against immigration. Duda's government, akin to other populist leaders, has employed rhetoric portraying immigrants as potential threats to Poland's cultural fabric. The resulting policies have raised concerns about the erosion of democratic values, as Duda consolidates power with measures that limit press freedom and curtail checks and balances.

In the Americas, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil provided a vivid illustration of how populism and xenophobia can converge, targeting minority groups while prioritising economic development, while Donald Trump's presidency in the United States amplified anti-immigrant sentiments, contributing to a narrative that divided the nation along lines of identity and nationality. All of these instances further underscore the global pattern where populist leaders leverage xenophobic rhetoric, presenting a shared threat to democratic principles across diverse political landscapes.

The empowerment of xenophobic right-wing rhetoric within populist movements presents a clear and present danger to democratic values, evident in Hungary's curtailment of press freedom and the erosion of checks and balances. Similarly, in the United States during Trump's presidency, the vilification of minority groups and attempts to delegitimize democratic processes posed a direct threat to the democratic foundations of the country. As these case studies illustrate, the symbiotic relationship between populism and xenophobic right-wing rhetoric has far-reaching consequences for the principles that underpin open and democratic societies. 

Donald Trump and Nigel Farage

Democracy at a Crossroads

The global rise of populism, embodied by leaders like Salvini, Trump. Le Pen, Duterte, and many others, intersects with xenophobic right-wing rhetoric, exploiting economic and social tensions. Case studies, including Orbán's anti-immigrant policies and Bolsonaro's right-wing nationalism, showcase a deliberate strategy to consolidate power. The populist playbook, seen in the widely exploited 'us versus them' narratives, threatens democracy, evident in Hungary's press freedom curtailment and U.S. checks and balances erosion. Populist leaders, wielding xenophobia, contribute to the globalisation paradox by adopting isolationist policies, undermining global interconnectedness and democratic values. Confronting this crossroads requires action. Recognising divisive narratives' dangers, societies must address democratic values' erosion, steering towards a future where inclusivity triumphs over divisive ideologies—essential for upholding democratic principles.