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Parenting During Lockdown- An Unseen Challenge

Parenting during lockdown

People of all ages have been forced to cope up with issues they never imagined would be a source of concern for them in the future, as a result of the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown. After reports and statements from doctors surfaced claiming that the third wave may be impacting children specifically, parents have expressed their concern and anxieties. 

Schools and institutions have been closed for more than a year, providing the parents with ample opportunities to spend time with their children. The true obstacles that the adults are encountering and attempting to overcome are, however, the invisible side of this lockdown which isn't being highlighted much.

Working from home while caring for children, or working outside the home while juggling childcare responsibilities, is a recipe for frazzled nerves.

Given that outside communication is essentially impossible due to the enforced restrictions, parents have become the first door at which a child can knock for support during such exceptional circumstances. As a result, they play a critical role in this situation.

Every young person on the earth is currently experiencing some form of adversity, to varying degrees. It can range in severity, from something as minor as difficulties adjusting to an unwelcome change in routine to the physical pain and mental misery brought on by the coronavirus.

With the ongoing lockdown, parents are under a great deal of stress as the burden of personal and professional responsibilities is ever-growing. As a result, children's routines and habits are often irregular.

They are in charge of assisting children in developing resilience in the face of external events and threats by recognizing these expressions, calming them, and providing them with a vocabulary to articulate what is hurting them.

Parents find it more arduous to keep their children on a rigid schedule, with set times for meals, studying, and sleeping. For young children routinely gives comfortable predictability, and they remain enthusiastic throughout the day. Unfortunately, even the adults are unable to reestablish structure in the current uncertain environment. Thereby resulting in children losing interest in everything and becoming hostile as a result.

It is quite a known fact that at the moment, a child's universe does revolve around their immediate surroundings, which consist of siblings, grandparents, and parents. To prevent them from shutting themselves in a shell, frequent reminders must be given to them, that the metaphorical "world" in which they are growing up has not vanished overnight. 

This can be done, in various forms like, having discussions that give them positive affirmations and that things, will get better. This may help a young child stay connected to loved ones and foster socio-emotional development. As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, parents have also become de facto homeschool teachers and tuition teachers. They are, unfortunately, having difficulty keeping their children on track and supporting them with homework.

The work becomes even more strenuous if the children are in different classes. Many parents have voiced concern and difficulty in ensuring that their children attend online lessons on time, complete and return homework, and prepare for the next day's session. For online education to continue, a sense of ongoing monitoring is essential, which is a difficult task in and of itself because youngsters resent excessive meddling in things they can handle.

This has produced a disconnect between parents' desire to protect their children's education and their wish to form supportive ties with their children. Because of the Covid-19 news related to the apparent high surge in cases and death toll all over the Internet and the media, it's easy for young children to feel concerned or anxious. In this situation, parents are facing difficulty addressing their children's fears and questions regarding the epidemic.

All adults, including parents, caregivers, and educators, must be aware of and alert for signs of underlying concerns.

Looking for ways that their young child uses to express herself through behavior could prove good. Temper tantrums, aggressiveness, bedwetting, and increased clinginess are some of the most regularly recognized behaviors.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc in the lives of people around the world, causing uncontrollable tension and mental disorders. According to research by the Indian Psychiatric Society, mental diseases have increased by 20% since the pandemic began, illustrating how anxiety, tension, and stress are infiltrating people's hearts and minds.

Young children are acutely aware of their parents' emotions and concerns, and these imprints can be lasting.

According to a study by Harvard Center for the Developing Child, parents must keep in mind that supporting and creating bonds, or even replenishing previous ones, is critical during this time. So that children do not feel lonely around them and feel as if there is no medium through which they can be unapologetically themselves.

While even parents are unsure how to deal with the fatal pandemic, their position is becoming increasingly important to keep children from falling deep into a hole of darkness. They must explain everything to the child while paying keen attention to his or her emotional well-being to overcome this problem.

Our method of engagement with the outside world has been altered. As a result of the forced creation of the "new normal." Things that were once taken for granted, such as simply being out in public, are now riddled with anxiety.'' If a youngster is already anxious, the rejection they may experience when someone moves away from them may be accentuated, even if the person only tries to distance themselves physically.

Then there are masks, which can exacerbate anxiety in a variety of ways. They first obstruct our ability to read social signs such as smiles and frowns. They can also make it strenuous to practice deep breathing, which is a natural approach to relieve anxiety and can exacerbate claustrophobia in certain people. 

However, masks are essential for protection against COVID-19. And parents should make sure that no matter what, children should wear them. Covid-19 is more than a virus; it's an emotionally and psychologically draining situation. People are unable to communicate with one another or meet their family members.

Such times call for a collective sense of resilience and a hope that things will get better and the time isn't far, that the 'normal' we were previously habitual of would return soon.


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