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Should Smut books be age restricted

Have you heard the words smut books? You may or may not have heard about them. So you may not be sure what it means. Smut refers to more sexually explicit content intended for entertainment. It is not a sexual erotic book, it just has more explicit scenes than a normal book would have. Even though it is just literature, they should have age restrictions.  Smut book is a term used for more sexual books specifically made for enjoyment purposes and not taken seriously. Its fanfiction books are targeted at young adults.


Although young teens can purchase a smut book, they are unaware of its contents because it comes across as a romantic novel and does not have a pre-warning about sexually explicit scenes. As young teenager is just growing and coming of age, they should not learn from such books and get the wrong idea or be intimidated by the contents they have read.


Contrary to other books,  there are many reasons why smut books are more likely to have age restrictions than other more vigorous novels such as ‘A Game of ThroneThroneshe Fault in our Stars’.


A couple of reasons why they would have age restrictions include not distorting the ideology of the youth and not changing their perspective of sex. Young adults/youth are already exposed to enough content that is easily accessible online and primarily accessible on their phones. When the time is right, or when they are involved in a sexual manner, they should not be guided through unrealistic concepts that one may perceive.  They may not live up to specific standards or expectations which could result in one person feeling unsatisfied and insecure about it. People are so afraid these days about how well their own abilities can be distinguished from their perception of sex, that it may diminish their own drive to get sexually active.  This should be explored physically, at their own pace and on their terms and not from books.


People reading such books could get the wrong impression and conduct themselves in a way their partner does not feel comfortable.  However, their partner may not feel compelled to disregard how they feel to just play along which is not right. Sex should be open as it can be enjoyable for both parties no matter what or how they like it. It shouldn’t be about compromising and not just going with what the other person enjoys because they saw it in a book. Sex is such a taboo subject in many countries around the world and the conventional belief about how females should not enjoy sexual activities and are just there for male pleasure is not acceptable either.


The age restrictions for these books should be at least 18+ but the lowest is 16+. Some of these books go into more graphic scenes than others do. They do specifically say what happens, but some books include more foreplay than a normal book would. Also, the foreplay is very vivid and graphic if you have an imagination, and it can easily be taken out of context and used in the bedroom. People may enjoy it, but people also may dislike the degree of roughness there is within a bedroom. Smut books are for people to enjoy and widen their horizons but not all books are made for the faint-hearted as they are explicit and can paint a graphic picture.


The authors do not want to traumatise anybody with their books, but they should have age restrictions if some books they write are more foreplay than the storyline behind them. Age regulations on books have quite a few benefits. The benefits are it widends a young teen’s and young adult’s imagination. They also prepare them for the world and when it comes to them exploring these things they have some sort of understanding about it. It also lessens their nerves about their performance during sexual activities when they have little to no knowledge about them. It will also encourage them to explore what they like and dislike so they know their future spouse in life. The disadvantage of not having age restrictions on books is that young children may develop a warped image of what sex is. Many movies have an 18+ rating, but books do not, so this should be an issue. When it comes to protecting our children from the dangers of the world, there is no right or wrong answer. Reading is supposed to challenge you and improve your intelligence, not scar you for life. You should be able to buy an engaging book for a child and not have to worry about its contents.


The advantages of age restrictions would be that we do not have to worry about safeguarding kids from having to read. Without any worries about specific sexual topics or scenes, they can read and develop themselves as readers and allowing adults to purchase a book that they are unlikely to want to read. These are some of the reasons to have books age-appropriate like having films age appropriate according to their respective books. Overall, it is an issue that needs to be addressed and there is only so much we can do. Keeping them from having warped ideas about sex or being intimidated by it wouldn’t help them grow as an individual.


Smut book age limitations are an essential barrier to helping safeguard young children from having cognitive distortions. It would also prevent children from being enmeshed in ideas or engaging in subpar conduct that would skew their mental perception of sexual and sex-related themes. This would also discourage younger children from becoming intimidated by the concept of sex and how sex works. It would also decrease the sales of these books to adults who are not interested in that genre. In conclusion, smut books having age restrictions and regulations benefits all readers be they younger or adults.


Have you read a smut book? Tell us about your favourite one in the comments.

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