When I first started journalism in college, I learned that journalism comes with the freedom to shed light on what is kept in the dark. The media, with its far-reaching influence and capacity to shape public perception, plays a pivotal role in modern society. Whether it's covering critical issues, like the global pandemic or the intense scrutiny of election seasons, the media's role in informing the public is undeniable. However, this power comes with a great responsibility, one that involves navigating a landscape marked by influence, bias, and the need for ethical journalism.

The 21st century has seen a major shift in the media landscape, leading to questions about the integrity and independence of the press. There is a growing concern that the media is increasingly being controlled by a small number of powerful entities, and the implications this has on honest reporting. 


The Changing Face of Journalism


The rise of digital media, consolidation of media ownership, and the emergence of social media have fundamentally transformed the journalism landscape. While these changes have opened up new possibilities for journalists and allowed news outlets to reach a wider audience, they have also caused many to worry about its influence and control. To better understand these issues, let's look at some examples.


Media Consolidation 


One of the clearest signs of media control is the consolidation of media ownership. A small number of conglomerates now dominate the media landscape. In the United States, for instance, just a handful of major corporations control the majority of news outlets, television networks, and digital platforms. These conglomerates include companies like Comcast (which owns NBC), Disney (which owns ABC and ESPN), and AT&T (which owns CNN).


This concentration of media power can lead to a lack of diversity in the perspectives presented to the public. In some cases, it may even result in self-censorship as media outlets fear jeopardizing their financial interests or affiliations. For example, a media company that relies on advertising revenue from a large pharmaceutical company might be hesitant to publish critical stories about the pharmaceutical industry.


Digital Media and the Impact of Social Media Platforms


The rise of digital media and social networking platforms has further complicated the issue of media control. While these platforms have empowered individuals and small organizations to spread information, they have also led to concerns about the rise of misinformation and domination of certain narratives.


Consider the role of social media in shaping public opinion. Platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have become primary sources of news for many. Yet, these platforms face criticism for algorithmic biases, which can create "filter bubbles" where users are exposed primarily to content that aligns with their existing beliefs. This can reinforce preconceived notions and limit exposure to diverse perspectives.


Moreover, the power of big tech companies to deplatform content creators has raised questions about censorship and free speech. While these platforms argue that they are acting to curb hate speech and misinformation, critics worry about suppressing dissenting voices.


Corporate Influence and Sponsored Content


Another challenge to true journalism is the increasing influence of corporate interests. Many news outlets rely heavily on advertising revenue, which can create conflicts of interest. As a result, some journalistic organizations may be hesitant to report on stories that could harm their advertisers or parent companies.


Sponsored content, in which advertisers pay for articles or segments that mimic traditional journalism, blurs the line between news and marketing. In the future, it will become difficult for the public to be able to tell the difference between the content they consume which includes objective reporting, and/or paid promotion.


The Erosion of Trust in Journalism


The issues of media control and influence have contributed to a decline in public trust in journalism. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, trust in the media in the United States has declined significantly over the years, with only a minority of Americans expressing confidence in news organizations.


The proliferation of "fake news" and misinformation, often amplified through social media, has further eroded trust in journalism. People are increasingly skeptical of the information they encounter, and this skepticism can lead to a greater reliance on partisan or fringe sources that confirm preexisting beliefs.


The Role of Independent Journalism: A Complex Landscape


Despite these challenges, it is essential to recognize that true journalism is not entirely dead. There are many dedicated journalists and independent media outlets committed to upholding the principles of objective reporting and accountability.


For example, organizations, like ProPublica, APNews, and the Center for Investigative Reporting, continue to produce in-depth reporting that holds powerful institutions and individuals accountable. Additionally, citizen journalism, enabled by social media and online platforms, has empowered ordinary individuals to document and report on events and issues that might otherwise go unexamined.


The question of whether true journalism is dead in an era of media control is a complex one. It is important to recognize that journalism is not a monolithic entity. True journalism still exists, but it often operates alongside these challenges, striving to provide accurate, balanced, and independent reporting in the face of significant obstacles. The responsibility now lies with media consumers to critically evaluate the sources they rely on and support outlets that prioritize journalistic integrity and the public's right to know.

Photo Credit: Jon Tyson/Unsplash


Edited by: Anwen Venn