When it comes to investing time and money into online education, the education promoters are more than happy to put in the effort. Virtual classes could be seen as a type of "skip button," according to Forbes blogger Tal Frankfurt. We believe that we must remain online in Frankfurt's perspective. Pupils can really "achieve more than they could under present circumstances" by taking advantage of virtual learning.

It is not the only one, but it is still very common. On the other hand, the financial calamity triggered by the coronavirus epidemic can be alleviated by using online education. However, many educational and business establishments see it as a hobby. When an unexpected incident gives rise to a novel idea, it should be thoroughly tested. Worldwide remote education attempts have been done since the Coronavirus epidemic. This disaster will impact many aspects of daily life. Virtual teaching may be one of them. To begin this crisis-driven experiment, the administration must gather data and address concerns about commercialising higher education and college access.

To quote the governor, "the conventional classroom model is obsolete." Educators should utilise educational tools to rethink teaching. At the K-12 and higher education levels, virtual classrooms will partially replace traditional facilities and classrooms. Due to the growing expense of online education, the question now arises is if online courses are more expensive than regular courses. Does online education have a future for them? Digital and analogue may now be compared after a mid-semester move to online programs. Besides synchronous classrooms, students also tested out asynchronous classes via videos, podcasts, and Zoom sessions. Everyone despised online learning no matter their age or gender or colour or sexual orientation or nationality or intellectual capacity with No resemblance, they said. According to one student, "I've learned nothing since I went online."

Now that there's no way for the pandemic to stop, things have become worse. The cancellation of classes, the loss of employment, and the issuance of shelter-in-place orders left many students wondering what was going on. One of the students remarked, "The uncertainty took over." One may easily forget lessons if there is no regularity in classroom attendance. Instead of living in an apartment or dorm, staying with your parents, siblings, and pets might make you distracted. Students who take online classes are susceptible to internet enticements. A student in the university hall stated that they had the biggest source of gaming, shopping, and socialising right in front of them. There is a more fundamental reason why many people dislike online education, despite the fact that it offers the major selling point.

At the moment, no lectures are scheduled. The lectures, on the other hand, are recorded. Computers typically complete jobs from start to finish. There are no classroom limits when there are no enrolment constraints. You may bring any number of people to your class. The educator and his or her students has no interaction. There is no way to obtain the answer to your inquiry by viewing or listening to a video or podcast. Individuals who teach are incapable of debating; it is impossible to argue against genuine teaching, which involves investigating, questioning, disagreeing, and counter-arguing. Each statement sent the same message: children were uneasy. Lessons are imparted in person rather than through an electronic medium. The presence of the teacher enables us and the other pupils to concentrate. When it comes to someone's emotions and feelings, body language provides additional information.

With the loss of peer learning, online programs lost their benefit, yet smaller groups or peer review were unable to compensate. In a conventional classroom, a relationship is formed that cannot be replicated over the internet. College is a time where students' personal relationships are highlighted. Online lessons detract from the classroom learning atmosphere. Numerous individuals believed that non-face-to-face programs were underutilised and devalued. This class would be improved if it resembled a typical classroom. Students liked Zoom courses for two reasons.

One benefit of transferring their lessons to Zoom was the ability to "establish some semblance of order and organisation" to their lives. Another student expressed gratitude for the "consistency" of the class gatherings. Interpersonal relationships inside the classroom were recreated, although on a much smaller scale. Additionally, real-time communication between students and instructors increases the duty to respond as the most complete review of all.

The zoom call is inadequate. Your privacy is in danger! Numerous students argued that including everyone's camera helped restore "human links" that had been lost during virtual sessions. There should be an open area where everyone can see and hear one another. To satisfy as many educational requirements as feasible after the pandemic is over, administration will provide as many courses as possible online.

Without commodity courses, universities might devote more resources to research-based instruction, individual problem solving, and mentoring. Students would have extra resources if they were not required to reside on campus for four years. Students can take advantage of this by enrolling in commoditized courses online at their leisure. They can also receive expert guidance and engage in group projects in addition to lessons. Additionally, they can assist with socialising, outdoor activities, and international study tours. This dual education strategy has the potential to make college more accessible to all students.

However, is hybridisation possible? We shall see. Instructors, like students, are required to participate in online classes. Students and teachers who met a few weeks ago are currently experimenting with novel concepts. They can make comparisons between their in-person and remote experiences.

Faculty and administrators must choose which classes are most suited for remote instruction. Anonymous student dialogues about technology, course design, delivery, and evaluation are required. These data points may be used in the future to determine whether to teach classes online, which classes should remain on campus, and which programmes may benefit from technological upgrades.

Due to technological difficulties, it will take some time to integrate remote learning entirely. We already know that digital technologies (such as mobile, cloud, and artificial intelligence) can be applied at scale, but more is required. Broadband capacity and digital inequality are examples of hardware concerns. Students who are grouped together in the same class receive equal teaching. However, online education exacerbates the divide. The wealthiest children have the most advanced computers, internet connections, and audio-visual equipment. While conference call software is capable of handling large groups, it cannot deliver a tailored experience. Is it possible for our technology to virtualize these features? Academics and students alike must recognise and advocate for technological development. To ensure student success, online courses require on-site instructional designers, trainers, and coaches. The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate a digital divide across institutions. Leading private universities have a more robust IT infrastructure and more IT staff per faculty member than budget-constrained state universities.

There is a digital divide between younger faculty members who are familiar with and proficient with current technology and older faculty members. Students will quickly learn that many teachers are ill-equipped to provide multimedia lectures complete with significant commentary and graphics. Colleges and universities should take advantage of this chance to assess training requirements. Additionally, online courses provide problems for students. The university calendar is designed to incentivize students to complete their courses rather than defer them. Online students may be isolated from their peers or their college cohort, which fosters rivalry and motivates them to succeed. Multitasking, checking emails, conversing with friends, and surfing the web all serve as distractions in online classrooms. As parents and educators, we are aware of this.

Students despise online education and are hence less likely to use it. There has never been a groundswell of desire to guarantee a permanent change. Both students and teachers want to return to the normal classroom as soon as feasible. It serves the aim of providing further support to youngsters who would not otherwise be able to attend college, and online education is the sole option until COVID-19 is treated or vaccinated. The future will be drastically altered. It has never been this this before. Students are adamantly opposed to it.


The current coronavirus outbreak has sparked a global experiment comparing the cost-benefit ratios of residential schools with online education providers such as Coursera. Traditional college education has withstood the test of time until lately. But now, online methods like such as Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, and edX will eventually supplant traditional college education, much as digital technology supplanted telephone operators and travel agents.

We all have this question in our minds now, isn't it better if all pupils returned to class following the crisis? Or will we have discovered a more advantageous solution?