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Space Debris may prove fatal for Astronauts and the International Space Station

As the fetish to amass space technology grows, it has resulted in chunks of debris orbiting the earth. This increasing congestion is hazardous and increases the risk of collisions in space. Hundreds of e-mail alerts arrive each day at the European Space Agency's Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany, which oversees critical research satellites, warning of potential space collisions. In May, NASA engineers discovered a 5-millimetre-wide hole in one of the International Space Station's robotic arms, caused by a collision with an unidentified piece of space trash. This problem has escalated due to the increasing role of the private sector.

A recent study published in Nature, an international journal of science, warned governments and organizations about the perils of keeping space data private, asking them to share catalogues of their respective space objects. It says that having an accurate and up-to-date inventory of where things are in orbit is critical for satellite administrators. At Space-Track.org, the US Space Command, a defence branch, publishes the worldwide repository of space objects. Although the inventory is the most generally used public listing, it is missing some satellites that governments such as the United States, China, and Russia have not openly confirmed. Nations must disclose these facts so that a collaborative solution to this challenge may be devised.

The Weather Channel reported that on November 15, seven astronauts from the International Space Station forcibly took refuge in their transporter spacecraft as trash debris was threatening to collide with them at almost the speed of light. This debris is most likely the result of a satellite failure.

What is space debris, and when was its first artificial piece created?

There are two sorts of space trash: natural and anthropogenic. Natural space debris consists of comets or asteroids and meteoroids, while human-made space debris consists of any non-functional item abandoned in space that orbits the earth. After the unveiling of Sputnik-1 in 1957, the collection of space debris began. Satellites that terminated or failed, launch hardware, bolts, payload coverings, deteriorating pieces, and so on, all form a part of this mess. Only a few hazardous encounters with human-made space junk are known to have happened as of yet. According to sources, the formation of artificial debris is building up at such a rapid pace that it raises concerns about the future.

How much debris is there in space?

The Department of Defense's global Space Surveillance Network (SSN) sensor tracks over 27,000 bits of orbital debris. NASA claims that both the trash and the spacecraft fly at high speeds (approximately 15,700 mph in low Earth orbit), and even a little piece of orbital debris colliding with a mission might create serious problems.

Another study conducted in 2008 suggests that the number of artificial debris around the earth was estimated to be:

What may help to remove the debris?

A paper published in Nature attempts to resolve this problem by spinning magnets to create magnetic fields capable of handling non-magnetic space objects. The group performed an experiment where they moved a copper ball on a plastic raft in a water tank. The magnets placed around the ball not only moved it but also rotated it. Scientists suggest that this technology can help manufacture robots that transfer trash into Earth's decaying orbit and produce Saturn-like rings.

Their research focuses on the usage of Artificial Intelligence. "Earth is on course to have its rings," says Jake Abbott, a robotics professor at the University of Utah. "They'll just be junk," he added. This technology offers a new and inventive means to preserve global space assets, in addition to a not-so-cool ring.

Fundamental investigation can also help automate debris avoidance manoeuvres and support any global effort to monitor and manage space. Artificial intelligence and skills for tracking and showing the locations of orbiting objects in real-time, for example, can help.

Cover Image: Insurance Journal

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