January 2024 delivered a harsh reality check to the gaming and animation industry. Thousands of employees faced layoffs, leaving a sense of unease and uncertainty resonated throughout the community. While not entirely unprecedented, this round of cuts highlighted deeper issues within the industry, prompting critical questions about job security and the potential role of unions in safeguarding workers’ rights.


The gaming and animation industry has historically exhibited cyclical instability, with layoffs often coinciding with economic downturns or project completions. However, the recent wave appears more extensive, impacting studios of varying sizes and seemingly defying market conditions. 2023 witnessed 11250 layoffs, and the January figures are already more than half of last year's total at 5900, placing the industry on track for an even grimmer year. This is odd as companies have been making more money than ever, with microtransaction services making their profit margins better, which covers up to 88% of 2020’s digital industry revenues.


PC Gamers published an interesting chart that shows how big the layoff numbers are in January compared to the whole of 2023. 

Source: PC Gamer


I first learned of the conditions of the gaming industry from a Patriot Act episode in 2019, when the discussions were similar but with a focus on gender discrimination, harassment in the workplace, and the work crunch. Riot Games was at the helm of controversy during this period after an explosive article by Kotaku revealed allegations of sexism and discrimination against women. They also discussed Riot's lack of diversity and inclusion.


At the time, employees would be fired and given a week’s severance. Now, some companies offer better severance packages and insurance. They also offer other incentives to help employees transition to new jobs. While these are better deals, it is important to note that with layoffs happening everywhere, there are fewer positions to be filled in other companies, making it hard for people to get jobs after being laid off. Companies like Take-Two laid off their employees because they had to cut operations costs to keep live services afloat.


The current issues;

  1. Market Consolidation - Acquisitions and mergers like Microsoft’s recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard are increasingly prevalent, often leading to mass layoffs.

  2. Unsustainable Development Practices - The ‘crunch culture’ endemic, demanding excessive work hours and unrealistic deadlines, can lead to burnout and high turnover.

  3. Shifting Market Trends - Mobile gaming's popularity and the rise of free-to-play models create different development and monetization dynamics compared to traditional console games, affecting job profiles and demands.

  4. Technological Disruption - Advancements like cloud gaming and streaming platforms require adapting skill sets and workforce compositions, potentially displacing some existing roles.


The Union Debate

Unionization prevalent in other industries, remains a contentious topic in gaming and animation. Proponents argue unions offer:


  • Collective bargaining power: Negotiating better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

  • Protection from unfair practices: Fighting against arbitrary layoffs and discrimination.

  • Improved project planning: Collaboration between workers and leadership for sustainable development.


Opponents express concerns about

  • Stifling creativity: Rigid structures potentially impede artistic freedom and innovation.

  • Reduced flexibility: Bureaucracy hinders quick decision-making and agile development.

  • Membership costs: Potential financial burden on workers, especially freelancers.


With these concerns stacked against employees in the gaming industry, no single solution can be formulated to address all the problems. Several approaches could provide relief, such as;

  • Establishing industry-wide standards for fair compensation and working hours.

  • Upgrading employee skill sets to adapt to changing technological landscapes.

  • Exploring different genres and monetization models to mitigate risk and cater to broader audiences.

  • Addressing the “crunch culture” through mental health resources and promoting healthy work-life balance.



While anger is a natural reaction, it's crucial to channel it into productive channels like advocating for change and supporting ethical practices. The recent wave of layoffs, coupled with existing issues like "crunch culture" and market shifts, paints a concerning picture for the gaming and animation industry. While the economic boom might mask deeper problems, the human cost of unstable job security and unsustainable development practices demands immediate attention.


The debate on unionization remains complex, balancing potential benefits like collective bargaining with concerns about hindering creativity. However, ignoring the current turmoil isn't sustainable. This crossroads presents an opportunity for collective action - not just from developers and studios - but from players and consumers as well.


Firstly, demanding transparency from studios about development practices and employee well-being is crucial. Supporting developers who advocate for ethical treatment and sustainable production cycles sends a powerful message.


Secondly, supporting alternative monetization models beyond microtransactions can help studios diversify their revenue streams and lessen their dependence on high-pressure practices. Opting for games with fairer pricing models and ethical practices sends a clear signal to the industry.


Finally, advocating for industry-wide standards for fair compensation, working hours, and mental health support can create a more sustainable and ethical environment for workers. Engaging with industry organizations and regulators to promote such standards can push for systemic change.


The future of the gaming industry is not set in stone. By collectively demanding change, supporting ethical practices, and advocating for fairer treatment, we can steer it towards a brighter future where both creativity and worker well-being thrive. This isn't just about protecting jobs; it's about ensuring the games we love are created by individuals who are valued, respected, and empowered to do their best work.


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