As A.I. advances at a rapid rate, humans are learning to embrace the benefits of this newly found technology in the physical world. 


Artificial Intelligence has been around since the 1950s and was formally defined as the ability of robots to perform specific tasks which previously only humans could do. However, as we sprint through the third decade of the twenty-first century, artificial intelligence has expanded to the use of chatbots in everyday life which are capable of problem-solving, learning, and to some extent understanding social intelligence and creativity. 


A.I. chatbots like Chat GPT are infusing themselves into our daily lives. With the ability to summarise and analyse articles, provide information about global affairs, and have a conversation with and answer your questions, Chat GPT is becoming a useful tool in the workplace as well as at home and for personal use. There is even potential for Chat GPT to offer new perspectives on news articles and to suggest prompts for creative exercises, its abilities will be endless.


An advanced form of A.I. is self-driving cars, and although they have yet to be rolled out on a mass scale, their influence and impact on our lives in the future is unknown. Self-driving cars have the potential to reshape the automotive industry. 


As of 2023, no car had met the criteria for deployment. In the coming years, they are expected to have the ability to change an array of markets including insurance, health, the environment, traffic and the labour markets as these cars will use visual and audio data from outside of the car to drive the car correctly. 


Experts in the field predict that artificial intelligence will increase human effectiveness but will subsequently threaten human autonomy, agency, and capabilities. The benefits that A.I. can have on diagnosing and treating patients in healthcare as well as the potential it has for creating and implementing public health programs has been widely spoken about. In the next decade, A.I. is expected to capture massive amounts of data regarding genome sequencing and nutritional information.


However, there have been worries surrounding how A.I. will interpret human rights. “In 2030, the greatest set of questions will involve how perceptions of A.I. and their application will influence the trajectory of civil rights in the future.” Co-director of the Berkeley Centre for Law and Technology, Sonia Katyal, said.


 Only time will tell how A.I. will influence human and civil rights but it is vital that humans remember to place the significance of human rights above the need for progression of artificial intelligence. 


As new forms of A.I. are introduced into the physical world, the coming decades will tell us how different variations of A.I. will shape our world and how we rely on it for problem-solving, interpretation and analysis, and creativity. With the endless benefits that artificial intelligence has provided to us, the world eagerly awaits to see what other possibilities it will bring.