Malaysia’s transport minister has claimed that the country may renew the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. This news comes ahead of the 10th anniversary of the aircraft’s disappearance. 


Flight MH370 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. It became one of the world’s most confusing aviation mysteries when the plane seemingly vanished with 239 passengers aboard. Despite the launch of what has been said to be the largest aviation search in history, virtually no information of the aircraft has been found. 


While the plane has not been found, clues of different sorts have been scattered across nearby seas - leaving officials more confused. For example, debris confirmed or suspected to be from the aircraft has been found along the African coast and on different islands in the Indian Ocean.


Just days before the 10th anniversary of its disappearance the Malaysian transport minister, Anthony Loke has expressed his willingness to “do everything possible to solve this mystery once and for all.” He has highlighted the fact that he is painfully “aware that the task remains incomplete.”


Loke has expressed the Ministry of Transport’s interest in working with Ocean Infinity, a US-based seabed exploration firm, that has made new “credible” new search proposals. 


He has even expressed his interest to do “everything possible” to get Malaysia’s Cabinetes approval to establish a new contract with Ocean Infinity so that this mystery can be solved as soon as possible.    


He expresses his sadness for the victims and their families saying that “as we approach the 10 year remembrance of this heart-wrenching tragedy, it is a painful reminder of the decade-long journey of grief and resilience that loved ones of the victims have endured.”


Edited by: Megha Siddapura Manjunatha