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2023: Tricks And Traditions To Start The New Year With Luck

Traditions, traditions, traditions. This is what the holidays are all about. But if Christmas is based on gathering the family together and celebrating, New Year’s eve is about reflecting on the past year and hoping for a new one full of good luck.

Yes, because it does not matter where you are from; luck is a crucial element on the last day of the year, and every country has its own “tricks” to attack as much of it as possible.


Therefore, because 2023 is just around the corner and we want to wish our readers the best, this article will provide an overview of the most famous traditions worldwide that people use to start the new year with luck.


Let’s start with Spain, where the tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight is an essential part of the night. This ancient practice originated in 1909 when, because of a very generous grape harvest during the holidays, the king decided to gift people a surplus of the product so they could eat it on New Year’s Eve. 

Because of this historical fact, since 1909, in Spain, it is believed that if you eat one grape in time with each chime of the clock at midnight, you will be rewarded with luck and happiness in the coming year. 


A little less practical, but even more unique, is the Colombian tradition of walking around the neighborhood with an empty suitcase; a gesture that aims at hoping in a new year complete off adventures.


Coming back to Europe, in Denmark precisely, there is a tradition that I love very much because it allows people to do what they all desired to do at least once: smashing plates and glasses. 

This tradition, which requires people to throw old plates and other items against the main door, wants to banish evil spirits from the house where you are celebrating. In addition, people also stand on chairs, jumping off together at midnight, hoping for a new year full of luck.


On the other hand, in some countries in South and Central America, like Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia, there is a strong tradition that has also spread around the rest of the world over the past years. In those countries, people are used to attracting luck by wearing special underwear. For example, red lingerie is believed to bring love, while yellow ones should get money! I would suggest trying a mix of both to be sure.


Because it’s the festive season, food is always around us, but on New Year’s Day, there is a country that takes eating and good luck to another level. I am talking about Estonia, where people try to eat seven, nine, or twelve times throughout the day, as these are all lucky numbers. They believe the more you eat; the more plentiful the new year will be. 


Finally, a very original tradition from Greece is based on hanging an onion on the front door of your home on New Year’s Eve as a symbol of rebirth. Successively, the following morning, parents are required to wake their children by tapping them on the head with the onion. 


In the end, it does not matter if you believe these tricks or not, but you can not deny that the holidays are all about traditions, and they are what give our lives a more definite meaning and a sense of belonging. 

Then, waiting for 2023, it will be you to decide if these practices deserve a try, but considering the past two years, I would say that there is no arm in trying!


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