President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ersin Tatar was attacked on 29 March as Greek Cypriot protesters blocked his vehicle from entering King’s College. 

Following the release of video footage showing the Greek flag-waving protesters shouting "Death to Ersin Tatar," the Turkish Cypriot people and the Turkish government expressed their reaction to the footage. 

The incident occurred when president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ersin Tatar came to the United Kingdom, London, to give a conference on the Cyprus issue. Once his vehicle was seen making its way to the university entrance, protesters blocked his entrance to the university, shouting “Cyprus is the Greeks” and “death to Ersin Tatar.” 

Police managed to keep the protesters away from the vehicle, allowing the President to enter the university. 

On the other side of the university, the Turkish people waiting in front of King’s College welcomed Ersin Tatar. 

After the protest took place, President Ersin Tatar said and described the protest: “They don’t even want to let our voices be heard." Because when our voice is heard, they see that it will be accepted, they see that it will become stronger”.

Ersin Tatar's latest visit to London was on November 4, 2022, before he made another visit on March 29, 2023. During the 2022 visit, Ersin Tatar held a meeting with the Cyprus Turkish Football Association, expressing his appreciation for the work that was done for years. Although no provocation action took place last year, this year Ersin Tatar came across with a provocative action, which led to Turkish Cypriot people and the Turkish government to react to the attack. 

In Turkey, the Turkish Government supported the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus President. "This and similar provocative acts cannot hinder Turkish Cypriots from pursuing their cause," said Parliamentary Speaker Mustafa Sentop on social media. We will remain in solidarity with Turkish Cypriots in this national cause." 

Furthermore, the Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu on Twitter gave a message of support as he wrote “Greek Cypriots who cannot tolerate the increasing visibility of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, including its admission to the Organization of Turkic States as an observer member, are getting more aggressive. We always support the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.”

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, eventually managed to start and end the conference at King’s College, however, the reaction towards the provocative actions continues.