Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao's daughter Kalvakuntla Kavitha left for New Delhi on Wednesday night. She received a summon from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to appear for questioning regarding a “money-laundering case” on March 9. In a letter that was sent late Wednesday, Kavitha informed the ED joint director that she would appear before them on March 11. 


In the letter, she wrote, “‘I, being a responsible Indian citizen, and as a woman of this Nation seek to utilise my rights guaranteed by law.” Kavitha continues to say that she does not understand why she was summoned suddenly and feels that “some political goals have been disguising themselves as a probe.” She is currently employed as a social worker and stressed that she had prior obligations to tend to. Her request to appear on March 11th instead was denied which then created political tension. Kavitha believes “that it is nothing more than ‘political victimisation.’”


Although there has yet to be a formal confirmation, there are rumors that the ED has given her permission to appear before it on March 11. As stated in her letter, Kavitha's travels and obligations had already been planned, and she intended to conduct a strike in the capital on March 10. The strike would strongly urge the BJP government to present and pass the Women’s during the current Parliamentary Budget Session.


Before questioning, Kavitha reassured that she would completely cooperate with the government investigation agencies but she must consult with others about attending on March 9th. 


Amid her strike, Kavitha made a statement that appeared on Twitter. She said, “Let me also remind the power mongers in Delhi that Telangana has never and will never bow before the oppressive anti people regime. We will fearlessly and fiercely fight for the rights of the people.” She emphasized that she and her supporters will not back down. The fight for a better future under KCR Garu is ongoing. 


As mentioned in The Tribune, the CBI has already questioned Kavitha earlier in the case.


Arun Ramchandran Pillai, supposedly connected to the scandal, was also called forward for questioning along with Kavitha, and he was arrested by the ED on Monday, March 6th. The ED stated that in the remand report Pillai “‘represented the benami investments.’” Benami is a term used to describe a real estate transaction in which the actual buyer’s identity is concealed. Eleven people have been detained by the ED thus far in connection with the Delhi liquor policy scandal. Those detained include Gorantla Buchi Babu, Abhishek Boinpally, and Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia.